20 oil rigs missing in Gulf of Mexico

Filled up my tank before Katrina hit us.
**** **** ****, I know what I shall do, borrow my friends crotch rocket, thing gets like 50mpg, that shall save me.
Oh yea I forgot to add in the title..."At least". Yea...they said there is possibly more missing if you didn't read the article yet.
wow, thank goodness i can;t really go anywhere anyway... hopefully the loosing of the reserves can help with some of this
I'm moving to mercury! It has an endless supply of gold and platinum!..Better yet, lets all move to Jupiter and create energy using massive wind turbines. :D

God that sucks :(. Missing??? Time to start walking to work.
RakuraiTenjin said:


Tr0n said:

Kuwait City's is 68 cents a gallon and Caracas's is 12 cents a gallon. :O

Oil makes the world go round.
Im paying 3+ bucks a gallon :/
:: Dilutes my gas with water to make it last longer::
Ikerous said:
Im paying 3+ bucks a gallon :/
:: Dilutes my gas with water to make it last longer::

Wow! Over there it's a lot! Well, a lot more than over here, about $2.99 a gallon, for the best kind.

But Diesel is a whopping $3.25 a gallon
Tr0n said:
Maybe the aliens took it?
Nah, I got bored.

It's at ~3 bux/gal here now. I need to stop racing people, conserve my friggin gas ;(
That's just fu*kin great. I just got my drivers license on monday. Looks like I won't be able to afford any gas at all by the time I'm out of the graduated license program :(
How on Earth do you lose a fricking huge oil rig?

I was going to ask this when I saw the thread title, but then I thought 'oh yeah, hurricane'.

Man, you Americans are going to be in real trouble when energy crises forces your entire economy to become dependent on Central America and Cuba who'll be able to grow lots of sugar cane for gasoline. :upstare:
Bush: Has uhm... Has anyone seen ma' Oil Rigs? I think I left 'em off the gulf of Mexico while I went to shoot me some dinner, but now they ain't there.... :|
We pay around $6.2/gallon these days, quite possibly some more.
Gas already went up a buck a galloon where I live.

btw I find it funny that the enviromental damage is barely mentioned ...I mean these rigs had pipes going into the ocean floors ....what happens to the oil when the pipe bursts?
Not much, really. Sea water is pumped into the oil fields in order to force the oil to come out. No pumping = no oil.
there must have been some residual spill off ...but point taken
Yey, prices have risen with about 0.100$ here ^-^

I think I'm going to drive on water.

Or pie. I don't know which one yet.
Make hydrogen fuel cells available, hybrid cars, hydrogen cars, electrical fuel cell units for homes,, mass produce them and make them viable. All these working alternative technologies that arnt being used or encouraged as much as they could be because they are a threat to the modern oil economy. We deserve a viable cheaper alternative.. I demand, and so should all of us.. a viable clean economy that can be implemented before its too late.
They've announced that prices will go up a lot (in such a short time, a couple of days) here. 1,45€/litre. People are queuing up on gas stations to fill their gas tanks before the prices go up. Some have been emptied already. I guess something will happen here soon if the gas prices keep going up.
Make hydrogen fuel cells available, hybrid cars, hydrogen cars, electrical fuel cell units for homes,, mass produce them and make them viable. All these working alternative technologies that arnt being used or encouraged as much as they could be because they are a threat to the modern oil economy. We deserve a viable cheaper alternative.. I demand, and so should all of us.. a viable clean economy that can be implemented before its too late.

Is there any science behind this idea of hydrogen fuel cells, becuase I dont see how its supposed to work.
It's 3.07 on the Indian Reservation here. Good thing my car is good on gas and I don't really go anywhere on the weekend.
solaris152000 said:
Is there any science behind this idea of hydrogen fuel cells, becuase I dont see how its supposed to work.

http://www.eere.energy.gov/RE/hydrogen_fuel_cells.html.. The japanese have already developed them... they are 'today' a commercially viable product.

The only reason they dont hit the shelves in the short term is because of economic dependancey on fossil fuels, Including not wanting to get rid of the combustion engine because of jobs, companies that produce parts for them, etc, everything else under the sun that uses fossil fuels to opperate, jobs would be lost in those sectors, but new jobs would then open up in the new energy sectors, If people demand it they can encourage that change sooner... the beurocracey of the whole thing stops the change over in the short term, which is why the system, people, and the planet will suffer needlessy If it doesnt stop being so stubborn.
$3.30 here, and almost all of the gas stations are out of gas.