21!! Its all downhill from now!!


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
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Ahhhhhh im 21 today and feeling like shite as one would expect after consuming copious amounts of alcohol, afterall you only turn 21 once right!?

Feels really weird being classified as an 'adult' now, i feel like i cant relate with my 'teenager' uni friends anymore haha, im like the old man of the group(s) now!

Just thought id share this with y'all :P

Oh, and Halo 3 is out tomorrow, so atleast i can feel good pretty much all day when i get it, mwaha.
Happy birthday grandad :D

I too am feeling like a badger's arse after getting back to my room at 4.30am, it being freshers week and all. But anyway, have a good one.
Grandad? :(

Anyhow, many happy returns on yer 21st! Lets hook up for some Halo 3 tomorrow! :D
Been bombarded by the obligatory parent and family phone calls all bloody morning hehe, argh it was so much simpler yesterday :D
Happy Birthday! :thumbs: :)

Can't say I'm looking forward to reaching 20 at all. That sounds so...adult-like. I still feel like I'm about 16 to be honest (I'm 18).
Heh 20 isnt really a big deal as you get no more benefits from it than you do when youre 19 or 18, 21 is like...adulthood and youre 100% legal...*cries* my youth is offically over lol
happy bday. You're younger than my youngest sister. How old do I feel :P
Heh, I'm coming up on 22 soon and I still don't feel like an adult. Life's only just beginning! (except for everything preceding this statement)
Happy birthday matey! :cheers:

If it makes you feel any better, I'm 25 in a couple of weeks.
I felt the oldest when I was 21. Now I'm 23 I feel like an 18 year old again. Growing up is actually a lot of fun.
Heh, I'm coming up on 22 soon and I still don't feel like an adult. Life's only just beginning! (except for everything preceding this statement)

QFT. We all got so much to live for! So much life! Get laid as much as you can (or just be that mistake the hot college girl makes when she gets too wasted to remember what the **** she did)! Maybe I'll climb a mountain or two,...or just sit around on ye ass playing TF2 :D.
Meh. You're only a day older than yesterday. If you still feel like a teenager, act like a teenager. Unless that's easier said than done...
Actually, you stopped being a teenager when you turned 20.

Also, since when is the adult age in the UK 21?
21 is only downhill if you want to keep the mentality of a teenager in an adult world. I think the 20s are prime years.
June 8th, 2011. :|

Can't get any alcahol yet, damn...