22 hours left, Are they..


Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
22 hours left, Are they more Preloads to go? I think valve would give another big preload just before they unlock the game.. Anyway this thread is just another waste og internett space, but since Hl2 it is going to be released tomorow it is my duty to post one "last post" just in case i find out the game is in fact more crap that i have expected, it could be but i dont really think so...

Today i have to go to school and really begin with some school work and studiying for the exams i have late this month, and i hope you all do the same, because tomorow is the day we have all waiting for some long, playing Half-Life 2. :bounce:

I would like to thanks Half-Life 2.net crowd, the other hl2.net fans and of course Valve for your work :thumbs:
[daniom] said:
22 hours left, Are they more Preloads to go? I think valve would give another big preload just before they unlock the game.. Anyway this thread is just another waste og internett space, but since Hl2 it is going to be released tomorow it is my duty to post one "last post" just in case i find out the game is in fact more crap that i have expected, it could be but i dont really think so...

Today i have to go to school and really begin with some school work and studiying for the exams i have late this month, and i hope you all do the same, because tomorow is the day we have all waiting for some long, playing Half-Life 2. :bounce:

I would like to thanks Half-Life 2.net crowd, the other hl2.net fans and of course Valve for your work :thumbs:

It's first in 23½ hours, or 9:00 your time.

Tomorrow i will be at work if i get well today. If not i'll be playing HL2.
The problem is, i think i've used up all my "Get out of trouble from being sick-cards"(I've been sick like 3 times now)
Half Life 2 unlocks at 9am for me here and that is the moment I step into the meeting room for a day-long meeting marathon :( Can't call in sick either b/c I'm moderating the meeting day...

I will be playing about 10 hours later than most of you...
oh my! It coming out tomorrow! its already the 15th. completely slipped my mind.Guess i've been too busy living my life to notice.
i think it would be a bad idea to have a large preload right before it comes out. I think they will need all the bandwidth they can get. Or is it run different? correct me if im wrong.
Don't forget, it's not like they can't just add more bandwidth if they need it. Steams status page looks to me as they've got a nice amount of headroom to make the expensive phone call.

It's gonna be kinda hard to sleep tonight...