$230 9800 Pro or $400 X800 Pro?


Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys. I'm thinking of replacing my GF4 Ti 4200 in anticipation for the upcoming release of Doom 3, HL2, and more...
(comp: 2.5Ghz P4 + 1GB RAM)

I was just wondering, is it worth spending the extra $170 on the X800 or will the 9800 be adequate? I can afford the X800 but of course I'd rather save my money unless it would make a substantial difference. Thanks!

Best Buy links: 9800 Pro and X800 Pro
If you have the money by all means go with the X800! Hell if you have more, wait for the X800 XT Platinum to come in stock and get that, then your set for a bout a year and a half.

The X800 IMHO is worth it, and it really outperforms the 9800 Pro even the XT.
And why are you going with Best Buy, they suck. Go with newegg if you can order online.

EDIT: Just looked at your CPU, you might want to overclock that biyatch to get more juice out of her, that is if you have the cooling to support it.
If you get a 9800 pro, you can get one for $195 on newegg.com. But the X800 would be worth it, it's twice as fast. The 9800 pro will run those games well, but the X800 will run them all at max settings and it is really worth it.
The X800 pro is about twice as good as the 9800 but right now the 9800 is capable of running all current games as well as the games near release with maximum to almost maximum graphics settings. If you just want current games to run at their best and then upgrade later on when the X800 is much cheaper then get the 9800, if you want to spend the money right now on getting a card you won't have to replace for probably 2 years then get the X800.

In the end you would probably end up spending the same amount anyway unless you plan on keeping the 9800 for more than 2 years.
The X800pro performs probably twice as fast as the 9800pro so in that sense it is very much worth it.
But do you want above 9800pro performance? You should be able to manage 40-60 FPS and above in HL2 with a 9800pro with high quality settings, I would think.
Not sure about D3. Probably could manage the same with some settings lowered.

The X800pro will handle it all with great frame rate.
I'm going to wait for the next gen Ati parts(with SM3.0), so I would recommend the 9800 Pro 128MB from Allstar for $193 and save ya $37 bucks. I'd save my money until the "x800 IS HOT" phase passes and prices go down because while it would help in Far Cry with AA and AF, it won't anywhere else that you can't wait for the next gen parts. Remember, the 486 was once "hot" and you won't regret saving your money.

If you have a proper case, try OCing a 9800 Pro. I do in my Shuttle and get it prettty high(better than nominal XT levels).

And of course at this point, we know nothing about how much $200 more is worth in the next gen games because we DON'T HAVE THEM! Remember they ran HL2 on 9800 Pros @ 1600x1200 with 60 FPS at E3-2003 on a 9800 Pro.
The Mullinator said:
The X800 pro is about twice as good as the 9800 but right now the 9800 is capable of running all current games as well as the games near release with maximum to almost maximum graphics settings. If you just want current games to run at their best and then upgrade later on when the X800 is much cheaper then get the 9800, if you want to spend the money right now on getting a card you won't have to replace for probably 2 years then get the X800.

In the end you would probably end up spending the same amount anyway unless you plan on keeping the 9800 for more than 2 years.

You'll want to replace it sooner then 2 years.
Id have to say wait, according to reviews Ive seen the x800 will require a faster processor than 2.5 to get top performance out of it.
Yeah , it can be up to twice as fast as the 9800 but not in all progs and not with a 2.5.The x800 (and its peers) only seem to streak ahead in high resolutions , 1024x768 theres not a massive difference.

Then again , it all comes down to what you want to spend .
If thats what you can afford ,and its that important to you go for it.
So I should not buy that second 12mb voodoo 2 for $400? Man I was gonna brag all day long about my kick ass sli configuration. . .
Johan_Tayn said:
I'm going to wait for the next gen Ati parts(with SM3.0), so I would recommend the 9800 Pro 128MB from Allstar for $193 and save ya $37 bucks. I'd save my money until the "x800 IS HOT" phase passes and prices go down because while it would help in Far Cry with AA and AF, it won't anywhere else that you can't wait for the next gen parts. Remember, the 486 was once "hot" and you won't regret saving your money.

If you have a proper case, try OCing a 9800 Pro. I do in my Shuttle and get it prettty high(better than nominal XT levels).

And of course at this point, we know nothing about how much $200 more is worth in the next gen games because we DON'T HAVE THEM! Remember they ran HL2 on 9800 Pros @ 1600x1200 with 60 FPS at E3-2003 on a 9800 Pro.

i agree with u, but when the card is not hot anymore, it means that it can't run some games on the market with full setting.