24 hour urine test fasting the day before or day of?


Mar 19, 2005
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as some may know I have been going through the recruitment process for the Canadian forces. I just recently had my medical examination. I took the urine test and some proteins were found, the doc said I had to take a more in depth test due to procedure. so now I'm taking a 24 hour urine test (along with a blood test) but I am unclear on something are you supposed to fast the day of the 24 hour urine test in addition to the day before.

I would phone the lab but I don't have one ready and google and wiki have failed me.
I'm pretty sure it's just 24 hours before the test, so if you know what time it is, don't eat starting about an hour or two before that time the previous day.
I think angle mapper is right, but you should call your doc's office just to be sure.
as some may know I have been going through the recruitment process for the Canadian forces

Fasting for 2 days? Are they running short of material for army uniforms in Canada?

It's always 24 hours meaning one full day and sleep - any more and I'd be seriously worried
Skeletor: I don't think I said anything about fasting for two days. I asked if anyone knows if your supposed to fast the day before or the day of the test.

anyways I have a new question know.

does anyone know if your actually supposed to fast before a 24 hour urine test. I combed through the net and haven't found hide nor hair about any fasting required (although I'm remaining sceptical about said information) all I found was suggestions on what not to eat because they may skew the results.

Because those brunt muffins from work are looking really tempting right now...

PS: Dalamari: most awesome gif EVER.
You have to urinate for 24 hours?

Drink lots of liquids.