24 year old guy marries 82 year old woman


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score


Quite unique. Good on him.
His face looks like it's 6 feet long.
Judging purely on looks, I'd say hes marrying her for her money. He looks like a jackass in that picture, and she has that "im a rich old lady" animal fur thing around her neck.
82 is too old for me, once they hit 70 thats the cut off for me. Anyways did anyone wonder why this shit is even newsworthy? Why would any self respecting journalist report this shit? Who cares?
Oh, 82? That's just a spring chicken. Hi Granny! Set your coloscopy bag on the dresser and lets get freaky!

Oh, and, Money.
If that had been a 24 year old girl and a 82 year old man, the man would've been charged with rape.
Oh, 82? That's just a spring chicken. Hi Granny! Set your coloscopy bag on the dresser and lets get freaky!

Oh, and, Money.

I don't know what that is. I don't think I will ask.
If she's got money - well, we know the deal and it's not exactly shocking.

If she doesn't, I kind of have to respect the guy.
^ No, but he wouldn't do down well with the public.

But again the money situation would arise. The girl would likely be getting a whole truck load of cash for doing so and hence it's to her benefit. In the eyes of many people that implies she's a gold digging bitch.

So yeah. Anything for money.
If he is only after money her living for another 20 years would be sweet justice.
D: indeed.

Those crazy Dutch and their uber-liberalism.
So young guy marries wealthy lady who dies a month later.

There is kinda of connection here that I just cant put my finger on..
Wow... he was engaged to her for several years? Either that is one patient bastard of a mastermind, or he really did love her. I don't know what's worse.


words here to avoid getting really badly capsowned
Their love blossomed when Mr Waveqche went to live with her after his mother's death when he was 15.

eeeeew... granny peado!!
Hey, sacrifice yourself for lots of money. Losing a few years of your life, and gaining a bunch of money? I'd do it.