25 to life?


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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You know how the penalty for murder is generally 25 years to life imprisonment?

Well, what circumstances would warrant that the defendant in a murder trial be ordered to serve only 25 years in prison, as opposed to the life sentence?
Here you get a determined prison sentence (10 years) if you kill just one person, whereas the life sentence is kept for multiple and/or exceptionally cruel murders. I would assume it's something similar in the States.
I thought the life sentence was 25 years.

I heard this on CSI last night.

Mac to stupid muderer dude: 'well now your life is the property of the New York Correctional Department for the next 25 years'

or words to that effect.
CSI New York is the best. Miami can **** off.
Here you get a determined prison sentence (10 years) if you kill just one person, whereas the life sentence is kept for multiple and/or exceptionally cruel murders. I would assume it's something similar in the States.

Yeah, not really. It's all mostly what the judge says and if the jury agrees.
It's why kids and pretty women get off easy, while the hardcore biker pricks will get life.
It's really bullshit.
Sinkoman, who have you murdered? Helplife2.net can help you clear it all up.
I suppose if the guy feels all guilty about it.....

Would you like to know how to effectively feign a feeling of guilt in a court of law?

By taking a shit on your desk and claiming mental insanity.

I'm sure sinkoman has no other choice.
i would pretend to be a velociraptor at my trial...although it will be difficult seeing they hunt in packs.

There are different degrees of murder. Murder in the first degree would generally get you the harshest penalties.

Basically, they are going to examine your case and try to give you a penalty that fits the crime.

Like, if you just killed innocent people and beat up helpless old ladies before you gutted them and ate their remains, you're not coming back out of jail.
That's not why your face is red.. I accidentally cut up your forehead when you were sleeping.:)
worst joke ever. what posessed you to even post that? wasn't even remotely funny at all. if anyone even smiled at your post they should get 25 to life.
worst joke ever. what posessed you to even post that? wasn't even remotely funny at all. if anyone even smiled at your post they should get 25 to life.

You just try to bring me down mother****er.
worst joke ever. what posessed you to even post that? wasn't even remotely funny at all. if anyone even smiled at your post they should get 25 to life.

i didn't lol but i will now just to make you more red.
Of course in California you can get popped for a felony amount of marijuana 3 times and you will also get 25 to life.
That'll teach you for doing something ILLEGAL three times.
Doesn't it have a lot to do with premeditation?
I find it hard to believe that you can kill a human being and NOT get thrown in jail for the rest of your life.

25 years with parole doesn't seem all that bad for killing a person...
Let's look at an example:

A girl's step father had been raping her since she was a little girl. She had planned it for years, one day she had enough and murdered him. Even though it was premeditated murder, she won't do life because she had a good ****ing reason.
Judicial Discretion is supposed to take into account the various factors behind any particular action, which is why sentencing can be so variable from case to case.
Little known fact: you can get 25 to life for quoting movies or comedians that everyone is sick of.
In that rapey little girl example VirusType gave UK law would allow a defence of Diminished Responsibility, which could bump the conviction down to manslaughter and the sentence down to a few years. See also 'battered woman syndrome' (I love me a good battered woman with chips).
Your normal life would pretty much be f**ked anyway for doing any amount of jail time as no employer would want to hire an ex-con.

So what's the point? That life is actually worse than 25 years?

Three square meals a day plus some TV and cigarettes probably says no for many cons.

The prison system is ridiculous. It's like a goddamn health and beauty spa albeit other psychos who want to rape/murder you. I've heard stories of some prisoners who were released only to commit the same crime again just so they can get back to the big house.
I'm sure it's wonderful to be in a usually overcrowded pressure cooker where internal gangs hold sway, 20% of inmates are raped and there is great chance of HIV infection. I relish the prospect of feeling utterly trapped, useless and without purpose in my life for a period of 25 years. I would also look forward to being both unemployable and completely unaccustomed to life in the ordinary world, with many ex-cons reporting that it's as if they've woken out of a long coma. Oh yes, and I would relish the opportunity to fall back into my old habits and be re-arrested, as 60ish% of ex-cons are.
I'm sure it's wonderful to be in a usually overcrowded pressure cooker where internal gangs hold sway, 20% of inmates are raped and there is great chance of HIV infection. I relish the prospect of feeling utterly trapped, useless and without purpose in my life for a period of 25 years. I would also look forward to being both unemployable and completely unaccustomed to life in the ordinary world, with many ex-cons reporting that it's as if they've woken out of a long coma. Oh yes, and I would relish the opportunity to fall back into my old habits and be re-arrested, as 60ish% of ex-cons are.
Because it's the only lifestyle they know.
County prisons are extremely small - enough for a bed and for you to get out of it. It's a dirty steel cage with 5 layers of peeling paint. Think Dukes of Hazzard and Barney Fife. In black and white even.

There are some private prisons that are modernized that are concrete with steel doors. No bars. They are kept extremely freezing nuts cold as **** to keep down germs. It isn't like you can just put on more clothes because a jumpsuit is your sole possession. The lucky ones get a sheet and/or pillow.

The TV is in the main room of the block and is shared by 10-80 people, so, have fun with that.
I'm sure it's wonderful to be in a usually overcrowded pressure cooker where internal gangs hold sway, 20% of inmates are raped and there is great chance of HIV infection. I relish the prospect of feeling utterly trapped, useless and without purpose in my life for a period of 25 years. I would also look forward to being both unemployable and completely unaccustomed to life in the ordinary world, with many ex-cons reporting that it's as if they've woken out of a long coma. Oh yes, and I would relish the opportunity to fall back into my old habits and be re-arrested, as 60ish% of ex-cons are.

And my friends, the reason why we should obey the law.
I was told once that compared to Swedish prisons (high security ones, not low-sec ones that are pretty much student corridors except the doors are always locked) which despite our lax justice system still aren't exactly super easy places to do time, every prisoner, on average, has five times as much space as in an average American prison. The US prison system is a pressure cooker.
That's probably cause they're prisons aren't as crowed as ours are. Just my guess.
I was going to add that it was obvious, but I felt the need to look like an idiot anyways
Prisons should be wonderful happy places, financial concerns aside. The very idea of 'punishment' is obscene.