28 weeks/days later mod :: VERY GOOD IDEAS

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Hello... i am interested in starting a mod based on the 28 DAYS LATER/WEEKS LATER storyline.

This mod shall be a Single Player Mod (SP)
Basic Story:
Start off in a hospital in London with your fists as your only weapon you must wander round following roads that all lead you the same way with not that many Infected coming to harm you maybe 2 or 3. Then as darkness falls more start to come but 2 people come to help you and take you to a safe place for the momment. They provide you with a weapon a baseball bat.

as you try to escape continuously you end up meeting new people such as a farther and his daughter and soldiers who supply you with weapons such as guns (L85A1). The Farther and Daughter can supply you with transport (taxi) to Location that the soldiers have told you to go to via radio broadcast. but lives are lost infected are killed.
-------------------(dont want to show to much yet)------------------------

When i get more people on the team i would like to discuss our story line.

i am looking for anything currently


we currently do not have a website because i want to get a few people (idealy 3-5 before i start one)

if you are intrested in joining please either PM me or add me on MSN([email protected])






if you are intrested in joining please either PM me or add me on MSN([email protected])

thanks for reading.. i really want to get this mod up and playable or atlease testable it should be really fun and it is in no way a mock of HL2
this story line should be amazing for all SP players and many mulitplayers.
So....this is just another zombie mod where your role on the team is transcribing the entire movie into working as a game?
its not a "zombie" mod.
The Infected are not zombies they are diseased with Rage. And making mods are for fun this specific mod has not been done yet so dosent mean it cant be or wont be fun. personally i think it will be fun.

and why bother flamming this post?
You put your ideas for a mod out on the internet, even in a help wanted context, you're not only making them available to criticism, you're essentially offering them for it, so don't complain. Here are three reasons your mod won't work.

1) Overambition. You do not appear to have any particular clue as to the magnitude of what you are undertaking, which means you will inevitably fail.
2) Intellectual Property violation. Self explanatory - they will clearly want to reserve the right to make a 28 Days/Weeks Later based videogame, and thus will shut you down (which is entirely within their legal right) to avoid competition.
3) Semantics. Who cares if they're defined as zombies or not? It's essentially the same thing.
this sites not very helpfull? nobody is kean to work on mods or even play them?
This site is very helpful if you put forth an idea worth the time of the people you want to hire.

Ennui left out the most important reason the mod will fail, and that's you. As a mod leader you not only need to have experience in making mods, but you need to know exactly what goes into making one. And most importantly, you need a trade. You can't just expect people to do all the work for you. Learn modeling or programming, come up with some things on your own, then look for help.

Join up on a mod team, get some experience. Learn and observe how things are done. Then flesh out your idea, get it away from someone else's copyright, figure out what's going to make it special. The question to ask yourself is this: "Why are people going to want to work on your game instead of making their own?"
I am...

Sound Programming
Small AI Jobs
Concept Art
Texture Artist/Skinner

and i am expirienced in modding mostly in bf2 but i want to make a single player mod.
Ignoring the part where I don't believe you, if you are at least capable of doing all that, why do you need anyone else at such an early point in the game's production?
Sorry but, Left 4 Dead is pretty much already on this.
I lol at every mod idea thread that pops up in this section.
so it can get moving faster.

So...rather than write the concept and design doc and concept it out yourself, start a model, and then show what you've got and look for people to help out, you made this post.

Speed < Quality

That's why people are going to flame you.
I hope English isn't your first language. Also :

Holy shit, you took ma jurb!

Is that a jab at his supposed cultural background. Just kidding!

JB if you can do all the things you say you can do then show some examples or no one is going to believe you purely based on youre ignorance and the fact that your an idiot.

In your thread title you stated you had "very good ideas" as it turns out you just want to make yet another zombie mod ripping off the storyline of 28 days later. I suggest you come up with an original idea and show some of your work before anyone is ever going to listen to you. I also strongly suggest you don't lead this mod yourself. you are clearly and idiot.
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