2900XT or 8800GTS?


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Both are about the same price?
They both have equal performance, but lately, I've noticed the 2900XT with new drivers has been performing better, cooler, and faster than the 8800GTS.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like the 2900XT is the better choice.

Yes or no!
TBH there is not enough info to say which is really better with what they were made for (future DX10 games of course).

But the current top performer in DX9 games is the 8800. And personally, I would get a card with more than 512MB of memory because a number of games have shown a noticeable performance difference between cards with with less or more than that (depending on settings).

HD 2900's performance is not consistent between different games or AA/AF settings. It's all over the place and the card uses more power as well.

Image quality is the same on both.
I was under the impression that some recent reviews/benchmarks had shown that the 2900 was catching up with, and occasionally surpassing, the 8800.
Honestly, I'd say wait until they get cheaper! :p

But if you're just going to blow the money, there is honestly nothing noticeable enough for you to pick one over the other. I say eeny meeny miny moe. *or however you spell that shit.*
I would consider the 320mb gts because it's quite a bit cheaper. And I have yet to see a result which shows the 640 is any faster at normal settings. With normal settings I mean not benchmark settings, like 1920x1200 at max with 16x aa, where the 640mb might get 7fps and the 320mb 5fps.
Stalker 1600x1200 No AA/ 16AF
8800GTS 320MB, 2900XT 512MB then 8800GTS 640MB.

Serious Sam 2 1600x1200 4xAA/ 16xAF
The 2900XT is behind the 8800GTS 320MB here by about 10FPS. 8800GTS 640MB on top by another 10fps.

Company of Heroes 1600x1200 no AA/ no AF
2900XT is ahead in this one. ~20 FPS drop to the 8800GTS 640MB and another ~20 to the 8800GTS 320MB.
Even at 1280x1024 with no AA/ no AF those cards show a similar difference.

Prey 1600x1200 no AA/ no AF
2900XT ahead, then both 8800GTS follow together.
I would consider the 320mb gts because it's quite a bit cheaper. And I have yet to see a result which shows the 640 is any faster at normal settings. With normal settings I mean not benchmark settings, like 1920x1200 at max with 16x aa, where the 640mb might get 7fps and the 320mb 5fps.
Yeah, most of the time they are side by side. And if you don't use high textures and AF then it would limit how much of a difference you'll see with those games that do like the extra memory. 1280x1024 won't probably won't stress the cards that much either. Price will make a big impact.

Although the benchmarks above do show some difference. 1600x1200 is a 'normal' setting. Popular resolution for 19" CRTs. Even my old 17" CRT can do that. And the cards are hitting about 50-75 fps in the benchmarks.
Out of interest 2900XT Xpertvision or Gecube? Both will cost the same but I've never dealt with either of these two before. Only brands available from my usual source of hardware btw.
I've never heard of Xpertvision.
I've heard of Gecube before and seen them for sale on the web but never heard anyone recommend them. Those brands are a big question mark for me. Looks like Xpertvision has the longer warranty between the two.
I would consider the 320mb gts because it's quite a bit cheaper. And I have yet to see a result which shows the 640 is any faster at normal settings. With normal settings I mean not benchmark settings, like 1920x1200 at max with 16x aa, where the 640mb might get 7fps and the 320mb 5fps.

If you play at a low resolution 1280xwhatever(respectively), you won't need the 640 megabytes, but if you go above that, you will. To put it bluntly: More megabytes = very good for bigger solutions. Less megabytes: Good for standard resolutions.
I'm personally going for the 8800GTS 640mb as I'm building a new computer right now, BFG do an amazing OCed version, but I'm going all out with this system, so the screen will be large too. (and horribly pricey)