2GB RAM For Sale?


Mar 24, 2007
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Greetings all,

Does anyone here have any old DDR-400, DDR2-533 or DDR2-667 that they would like to sell or trade for? I'm looking to put it in my wifes PC. I'm talking either extremely cheap (I can after all buy 2GB for $50 on newegg)or are willing to trade or it. I have a slew of games & a crapload of older hardware, cables, fans, switches things of that nature I would be more than happy to part with for RAM. Even an old VooDoo 1 4MB card in a frame. (For those true hardware users that are old enough to have been around when 3DFX was the king, and so could appreciate the card in the frame. Pics of the card are avail if needed as are the original Driver CD and owners manual with the add-in "SLI" cable.) The RAM has to be 2GB in 1GB strips. The mobos only have 2 RAM slots. Heatsinks are not required, though it would be nice if they had them. The RAM also has to be dual-sided. No single-sided strips with the RAM chips on one side. Dual Channel is fine as well.

Thank you very much in advance. If you are able to help me out, please PM me with what you want for them.
