2gb usb key for $12


May 28, 2003
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One of those cheap online electronics stores based in my city is selling 2GB keys for $12 (13 something after tax). I am tempted to pick up like 5 or 6 of them to have for emergency gifts or to make a necklace out of them or something whatever. I currently make due with 256 mb. I just want to check to make sure that that is a really good price, and I won't be seeing them cheaper anywhere else anytime soon.

This is the product: http://www.patriotmem.com/products/detailp.jsp?prodline=4&catid=8&prodgroupid=47&id=647&type=11
I know these kind. their kind of slow, but well worth that price. get 5, plug them into your computer, and use them for memory in vista.
Usb "keys" eh?

So far, I have heard them called;

Thumb Drives
Thumb Sticks
USB Sticks
USB Drive
Flash Drive
Pen Drive
and now, USB Key
I smell a bomb.
can't you be arrested for posting something like that?
Gah, freaking california economy. Everything here costs like twice as much as your guys' stuff.
I also saw that Best Buy in Canada is selling 8GB ipod nanos for $170+tax. I've never owned an ipod or really felt like I needed one, but I'm kinda tempted to buy one at that price.

As a computer technician and a Windows "streamline for speed" guy, the software you HAVE to load your PC down with from Apple (iTunes) is a memory HOG. Its just not worth it. I couldn't even get it to run on some computers. Get a nice generic MP3 player from tigerdirect.com for around 80 bucks or less, many of them do not even require software to interface with the computer. iPods, BELIEVE ME, are way over hyped, because they are considered "cool". Other cheaper machines out there will actually do more. Check out some of the Sandisk models.
... You posted a schematic for a Warp Engine...

How the hell is that a bomb? Yeah, because we have "Typical Warp Coils" lying around the place...

And oooh... USB stick/drive / RAM stick

I thought you meant a private key...
Mate, that image is gargantuan. Pare it the hell down please.