2nd model ever


Aug 4, 2003
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Okay, I've had 3dsmax for almost a week now and my first weapon model was, crap.. this is a little better :p

I've never modelled before since I got 3dsmax a week ago so don't expect any super cool model.

And I kinda followed this tutorial -> http://psychokillax.**********/html/weaponmodeling.html

I learnt how to use the boolean to cut out stuffs and use splines and extrude them.

Anyways, here's the result
You're on the right track, but you still have a long way to go. Take a look at this thread where I explained one method of rounding handles: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10151 . That should get you going on that. You can apply that technique to rounding other areas of the weapons that require it as well.

If you show us a wireframe, we can help you with areas that can be cleaned up and optimized.

There are other things you may want to keep in mind for future reference. You do not need to model the hole in the barrel unless the player will specifically look at it. On a pistol like a Beretta or Desert Eagle where the hole is visible when the slide is open, that's different. However, for a weapon like this, save your polygons for more important things. Watch your proportions and do not even start the model without proper reference material. Watch what the booleans are doing to your mesh and clean up any areas that get messy. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.