

May 21, 2004
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I've been pondering this for quite some time. Valve should have a new weapon, or just a modified version of the Crossbow, that has two bolts attached instead of just one. Think about it, who really uses the zoom feature anyway? I consider it pointless since I rarely ever use it.

You see, LMB would fire the left bolt and the RMB would fire the right one. Or, press them both to surely guarantee a kill. I think it's a clever idea; and if you're thinking that two bolts is overkill, there have been many times that my opponents have survived after multiple bolt shots. I believe the doubling of the bolts would just secure the kill.

Of course, there will be a cost for having such a powerful weapon, and that cost is the reload time. I'd say, if you double the power/ammuntion of the weapon, double the reload time as well.

Your thoughts and suggestions?
I think it's a poor idea. Honestly. Zoom is one of the most important features of the gun. Unless you only play on indoor maps. Which there are few of.

Plus, it would totally ruin the concept of the crossbow being a sniper weapon.

Way too random of an idea. Doesn't make any sense. How would a cross bow fire two bolts at seperate times? That would require two independant bow systems.

Sorry, but I don't think this would be a good idea. Maybe it would be fun to try for 5 minutes. But I like the original crossbow. And the zoom.
joule said:
I've been pondering this for quite some time. Valve should have a new weapon, or just a modified version of the Crossbow, that has two bolts attached instead of just one. Think about it, who really uses the zoom feature anyway? I consider it pointless since I rarely ever use it.

You see, LMB would fire the left bolt and the RMB would fire the right one. Or, press them both to surely guarantee a kill. I think it's a clever idea; and if you're thinking that two bolts is overkill, there have been many times that my opponents have survived after multiple bolt shots. I believe the doubling of the bolts would just secure the kill.

Of course, there will be a cost for having such a powerful weapon, and that cost is the reload time. I'd say, if you double the power/ammuntion of the weapon, double the reload time as well.

Your thoughts and suggestions?
No offence mate, but that has to be the worst idea. It makes the weapon extremely unballanced.
I mean most the guns in Half-Life 2 is a one-shot-kill. Why would we need a weapon which is complete overkill? Esh. Its not going to happen.
Thats my 5 cents,
- Gordon
yeah... i agree with these guys. double crossbow bolts... it would be just a little too far out there
Get rid of the RPG and replace it with a proper snipers rifle
If there were a "proper" sniper rifle, the magnum would be negated.

Personally, the current crossbow is my favorite out of the weapons. I use zoom all the time, for taking out campers in wide-open maps and just generally getting a good view without having to deal with suit zoom.

It's also superior to the RPG for a whole slew of purposes. It's better at long ranges, in prolonged combat, at stealth, etc.
That's a really bad idea. It's already very powerful. Maybe you should just try hitting the head or start switching to an automatic weapon after hitting the first bolt instead of trying to hit another.

RC-73 said:
Get rid of the RPG and replace it with a proper snipers rifle
You can snipe just fine with the magnum combined with the HEV zoom.
RC-73 said:
Get rid of the RPG and replace it with a proper snipers rifle
i agree with cutting back on the cheap RPG, but a proper sniper rifle? i dont think so. the crossbow is perfect i think. it's great because it is different from the norm. and it takes some skill to use.
Maybe not a second bolt, but a different kind of bolt for secondary fire.
You know those poison headcrabs that give you 1 health?
How about upon impact a gas cloud is released that remains in the area and does 7-15 damage for every second someone stands in it?
A similar area of effect bolt that makes people move slower whilst they remain in the cloud (cold-based)?
A combination between Xbow and SLAM such that instead of placing the slam closest to you - it goes to the spot farthest away from you? (think firing a tripmine onto the metal overhang on overwatch just as the RPG whore goes to refil his health)
Mechagodzilla said:
If there were a "proper" sniper rifle, the magnum would be negated.

Personally, the current crossbow is my favorite out of the weapons. I use zoom all the time, for taking out campers in wide-open maps and just generally getting a good view without having to deal with suit zoom.

It's also superior to the RPG for a whole slew of purposes. It's better at long ranges, in prolonged combat, at stealth, etc.

Not neccesarily, as the snipers riflw wouls have a built in zoom, unlike the magnum where you have to use suit zoom
Or how about a stun grenade similar to what is used in CS
The inital idea is a good one IMO. I would hesitate to add it to a multiplayer game, because it's usually not fair to have a weapon that can secure a kill like that against a human player. Think of it this way; how would you like to face opponents with a gun that's guranteed to kill you on sight?

But for a single-player game, it would work great, because the bots don't complain about guranteed death and really powerful weapons... and the only thing funner than nailing a Combine with a crossbow is nailing *2* combine with 2 crossbows simultaneously :D
It's a cross-bow that shoots red-hot electrified rebar and can pin people to walls...I personally think that's more than cool enough. Also, I dunno how you'd have a crossbow that'd have multiple bolts. It'd require 2 "strings", and I just can't think how that'd be physically possible.