3 Contraversial Christmas facts?

Santa Claus was originally blue and white, coca cola turned him to red and white
God doesn't really exist. Religion is like a virus in the human brain.

stuff like this?
It was (still is) considered a PAGAN holiday by some.
Supposedly has something to do with the birth of Christ.
JC is only a prophet not the son of God.
The date (I believe) has been changed twice.
In this country santa was green until CC came along

Im going to have a great christmas this year (Not contravesial, i just thought id say)

I would say, Jesus is the son of God, but when something is so blatantly true its not very contraversial...:cool:

Is there really a need for this thread?
Santa was created by Macy's to get parents to buy MORe for their children during the Christmas season. They get the kids on the lap and Santa tells them they can have ANYTHING they want. Then that stupid little girl, Virginia, comes along and asks for a father and a house. No Virginia, there is NOT a Santa Clause. What a stupid bitch...
Santa was originally thin (so he could fit in the chimneys), but the guy who wrote "the night before christmas" portrayed him as fat, and the popularity of the poem made santa officially fat for now on.
Santa Claus (real name: Ninos Laos) was originally a bischop from Myra (turkey) and lived around 300 AD.
He became the catholic patron for sailors (well dutch sailors at least, don't know about other countries), children, and.. Russia.

This whole present-giving circus we have nowadays started in the Netherlands (or Holland as the less-informed tend to call it) and we still celebrate the death of the man every year.. well kind of. Christmas is taking over actually.

what is it with CELEBRATING a persons death anyway???
that's morbid.

a picture of Sinterklaas (=Saint Nicolas=Santa):
Santa used to dress in Red and White in Spain until a Mobile Phone operator turned his clothes Light blue and white :eek:

Now it's very popular here, but well... only for ads :)

It's said Santa is from Finland, though the custom in my city was that it was called Saint Nicolas in the beginning and came from Holand :eek:.

Also, this tradition came from the USA, and still many people say that gifts are given away only on the Epiphany Day (you know, the 3 kings who go to give some presents to Jesus), so many people don't get gifts on that day but on the 6th January. But well, now most of us get presents on both days :D (sorry for offtopic hehe)
Santa is a Jew!
And Rudolph is a Buddist.

Ah, I myself am Christian so I get pissed at the people at these forums who say things like: Religion is for retarded people who can't find an explanation for the Big-Bang. I found some people who say things like that, CommieX is one of those butt-****s.
What I said up there is a non-racial joke.
I mean, you don't have to be Buddist to celebrate Christmans.
Christmas is a time where people give you things , for free! :thumbs:
This whole present-giving circus we have nowadays started in the Netherlands (or Holland as the less-informed tend to call it)

I always thought it was started by the Victorians.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Santa is a Jew!
And Rudolph is a Buddist.

Ah, I myself am Christian so I get pissed at the people at these forums who say things like: Religion is for retarded people who can't find an explanation for the Big-Bang. I found some people who say things like that, CommieX is one of those butt-****s.
What I said up there is a non-racial joke.
I mean, you don't have to be Buddist to celebrate Christmans.

From what I have seen you get pissed at a lot of things.
Run DMC made the first original Christmas rap for inner-city kids to rap Christmas carols for generations to come.

Which told the story of Santa losing his wallet with 1 million dollars but Run DMC wouldn't steal it because stealing from Santa isn't right so he returned it to Santa and Santa gave Run DMC 1 MEEELLLLIIOOONN dollars.

*sniff* That beautiful story brings tears to me eyes everytime.
Lol. This is from MadTV
Jesus ain't a Jew, his last name is Christ, not Christowitz
Good point
That's his first name, and if you think that that's a good point....
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Santa is a Jew!
And Rudolph is a Buddist.

Ah, I myself am Christian so I get pissed at the people at these forums who say things like: Religion is for retarded people who can't find an explanation for the Big-Bang. I found some people who say things like that, CommieX is one of those butt-****s.
What I said up there is a non-racial joke.
I mean, you don't have to be Buddist to celebrate Christmans.

The Big Bang is an explanation for the creation of the universe, and the new theory is that there is more than one universe, and that ours came from another one. Theoretically that universe some how got sucked down, and a piece of it separated and formed our universe. To me, that sounds a helluva lot more plausible than "God created Adam and Even and some how they created the human race." They must've been monkeys, seeing as there is substancial evidence showing that humans have evolved from primates.

What I don't understand is why people can't incorporate science and religion together. I mean, if I were God, and I just created a whole universe I would be one tired ****er, so I'd just be like "well I can create all these things and I'll make all actions have a reaction so then I can have these events happen and spawn a whole race and whatnot." So then all this stuff happens and creates bacteria and that bacteria turns into an animal and blah blah blah.
They must've been monkeys, seeing as there is substancial evidence showing that humans have evolved from primates.

You and your "lot" may have come from a monkey, but I AM DIRECTLY Descended from God! :cool:
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Lol. This is from MadTV
Jesus ain't a Jew, his last name is Christ, not Christowitz
Good point

AHAHAH I remember that show, they have a few skits about not calling christmas...christmas. They would say happy winter time...etcetc

OT: did you see the one with the pus sized home shopping network, i cracked up to tears.

Santa was believed to be thin, then a political cartoonist, a famous one, drew him as fat and it stuck.

It is a Pagan holiday, god bless those pagans

In old England christmas was more of a mardi gras thing, wild celebrations, beeds...

History Channel had a show about chrsitmas.
One thing people should learn is that religious discussion should stay on religious forums. in a normal forum it just lead sto arguments and flaming =\

I'm not going to give my reasons for hating the concept of religion in light of this, and suggest other people also don't.

as for christmas, all I got is the coca cola thing. I know in russia santa claus(grandpa frost would actually be the literal tranlation of his name from russian) wore white.


What I don't understand is why people can't incorporate science and religion together. I mean, if I were God, and I just created a whole universe I would be one tired ****er, so I'd just be like "well I can create all these things and I'll make all actions have a reaction so then I can have these events happen and spawn a whole race and whatnot." So then all this stuff happens and creates bacteria and that bacteria turns into an animal and blah blah blah.

it can't be this way because that is not what scripture teaches. make your own religion and teach that, its probably more with what I agree actually :p
I just can't comprehend death and therefore believe in the afterlife. weak but true.