3 Iraqis getting gibbed by an AH-64's 30mm cannon.

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Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score

Alright... I know this one has been posted before, but this actual clip is longer and is in better quality. We actually get to see the events leading to the incineration of the 3 chaps.

For the new viewers: The video is shot from the choppers gun-camera and shows 3 iraqis literally getting shattered across a field. The video itself is shot with an infared camera and it's therefore not unwatchable.

There's also information about the helicopter at this site: http://www.army-technology.com/projects/apache/
..both the short and long videos have been posted before. No one appreciated this topic in the end, it brought about too many arguments.
im pretty sure the full video has already been posted. we dont want this again...
Oh my, not again!

edit-I when I posted, I was #1.
When the pge refershed, I was #4....
Dammit, get it away. Even the long one was posted.
1. Been posted.
2. Worst title for the material yet.
3. It sucks.
4. By association, you suck too...
So much for the search option apparently...

Please stop the bashing, I didn't post for my own sake. No, I posted because some people might have been interested, thus my try at contributing here.

Oh well... Can't see why it shouldn't be here, if people who have seen it before just refrain themselves from replying there shouldn't be a problem. It'll end up on another page.
Where is the mods.

If you post something about warez or leaked screenshot. The mods will pop up right away. whereas in this case........nothing happen.
Champ said:
Why the hell do you guys get so aroused?

B/c this thing caused a 10 000 post discussion on Iraq/Bush/oil/WMD's....that fuked up the forum.
Now that was obvious... How the heck could I have known? I'm not gonna browse all 23 pages of threads through to see if there's anything that might piss some of you guys off... Why don't you cut me some slack and at least come with a polite answer? (not directed at you..)

Whatever... Enough said. So shall this thread die out...
use the search button

Edit: ok so he PM'd me that he did use the search.. Ok then.. In response I say, use better keywords instead.
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