3 new tracks


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
The first one was pretty good. It sounds like something that would fit into hl2. But for me its way too short and a bit too minimal, and the bassline gets swamped too much by the pad. Didnt like the 2nd one. 3rd was good but again could have been longer.
I really love your music CrazyH. I don't know why you say you are bad at Reason.

I agree with Reaktor on his comments on the first song. I also think that higher pitched bell type thing in the left channel is a bit too loud or is played too often. But it really does feel like something from HL2, and that bassline is really hidden, sadly.

Second song is awesome :D I like IDM. The drums were great, the kick almost sounds like a beatboxer. The calm melody clashing with the drums was really neat. That really loooong pad is so cool and relaxing. LOVED around 1:45 with that new synth coming in. And then it just builds up, with some new drums coming in, with a flange or something. The next calm part is almost erie sounding with that bell sounding melody. Loved how the kicks accompanied it, and then suddenly EVERYTHING came back. One of the synths reminded me of Sim City. The ending was calming and nice. Over-all a great song there :)

I liked the powerful kick in the third one. I'm not a fan of ambient much, but this wasn't really fully ambient. This was pretty good. The slow beat was cool, with all those odd sounds. And then that other beat with the flanged drums was great :D
You seem to like pads a lot. The part starting around 3:10 with the lack of bass was neat. The length was just fine.

Thanks for expanding my playlist as you always do :)
Thanks for the wonderful comments reaktor, and vegeta, I'm really amazed you enjoy my stuff :D

Yeah, i'm a huge fan of pads.. the older they sound the better! i make whole tracks comprised only of pads that I try to make sound as retro as possible.. not really the kind of stuff other people would like so i keep them to myself. and it's a bit of a personal thing as well, i really let my emotions flow with that kind of stuff.. part of the reason why i love making music

There's some sound issues with the 1st one yeah, it's actually a rather old track that i decided to wrap up a bit because i liked the feel of it. I dunno if I'll refine it more because I've got a whole lot of other tracks that I want to finish and I want to experiment with some new ideas.. but yeah, I am going to put more work in the sound and mastering aspect of my future tracks.
First one:

Very good job with the atmosphere, but the development is too generic. By that I mean: Background, several measures, first theme, several measures, first layer of drums, several measures, etc... It's not very exciting. And I'm speaking stricly from a video-game music persepective. First I think you could use a longer and more complex theme, maybe keep the one you have now as counterpoint? It doesn't seem to fill the role of a principal motif.

Second one:

Similar complaints, except this one doesn't have the strengths of the first IMO. I do like how it has more variations, but it doesn't have the atmosphere of the first. The pads seem a tad random and don't always fit.

Third one:

Strong atmosphere and texture. Good work! I think this is your strongest one out of all three. Because although it doesn't have a melody, it's okay because it's obviously purely harmonic ambient music.

Overall, I think you may undersestimate how complex and rich eletronic video-game music can be. You obviously have an outstanding sense of texture and harmony, and as far as I can see a decent musicality, but I'm thinking you could develop it a little more: more complex and rich melodies, more complex chord progressions, less repition and more variation in structure. Try experimenting with counter-point and other classical techniques. Also, one huge aspect of electronic music I think you are completely missing is the importance of sound. Try different things like recording random sounds and mutating them to your liking.

Do you know Jespery Kyd? He is one of my favorite electronic composer:


Lots of samples accessible from the main page, check out all of them if you can.

Also, I hope my comments are helpful. If you prefer not to receive criticism just tell me and I won't anymore. Great work so far though! Just because I found some things wrong doesn't mean I don't like it :).