Wanna be someone else? Wanna go to Aliens side? Wanna be a Strider and crush the streets of City 17? Wanna be a headcrab and turn someone into a zombie? Wanna be Combine? or Combine Dropship =D
Well here is a new MP Mod Idea.
It goes like this
This mod is based on 3 races those are Race 1 Human, Race 2 Xen and Race 3 Combine. It could be a Deathmatch game or Team Deathmatch meybe something else. Each race has diffrent classes Humans for example have Snipers/Medics/Soldiers/ and more if u prefer (like Team Fortress basically) While the Xen has Headcrab/Zombie/Ant Lion/Ant Lion Guard/Alien Slayer and meybe some old HL classics like bullsquid and some others. Combine has Elite Combine/DropShips/Striders. All of the HL2 weapons will be included in the mod especially Gravity Gun which will be well hidden so its hard to find
HeadCrabs have a special ability, as a headcrab if u managed to kill another player and his corpse is lying on the ground you can hop on his head and turn him into a zombie and then play as a zombie. Zombies are awfully slow but there weill be special hiding spots for zombie where you can hide and attack the player. 2/3 Hits will be enough to kill another player as a zombie. There are 3 diffrent headcrabs you can choose, Old HeadCrab, the fast headcrab and the squeky black headcrab each of em have diffrent abilitys. As you saw in Ravenholm the black headcrabs sticked to zombies buddy what you can do is be a normal headcrab become a zombie then other people who are on your team as Black Headcrabs can be attached to your zombified body and be 1 monstorus Zombie
Combines earn money just like in CSS for killing you can start of with a plain combine then after u kills ome and get some money you will be able to go to the change chamber where you can change into a elite combine or buy urself a dropship or get a strider. (striders will cost crazy money)
If your going to have a dropship your other teammates can gather together into the dropship (4 people in 1 dropship) 1 is a Pilot while others are ready to attack. Once you will land where you want you will open the dropship doors and get out and destroy Humans and Xen.
Only combine and Humans can get the gravity gun
How will changing to class work?
Well you won't press a special button anymore to change into a diffrent class, each race have a special room in their base, they also have weapon store. As soon you have enough money to buy new weapons all you do is go back to the base and buy some new weapons. You can carry the same amount weapons as in Half Life 2 Single Player (new may be added) The mod will DEFENTLY include a real sniper instead of a crossbow sniper. Both will be in there.
How big will be the maps?
The maps will be very big each base will be also big. Because in 2 bases you will have a Weapon Store and Class Changing Room where and a Vehicle buying platform. Some new vehicles might be added for this mod. Expect for combine cause combine have the Combine Buggy which will be a buyable vehicle and driveable.
The battles will take in huge City 17 areas and some others meybe even Xen
I think this will be a great mod if it can be taken seriously. THis just a mod idea but it would be nice in my opinion If anyone really wants to help to do this PM me, yes i also mentioned Half Life 2 invasion but that can wait, and i think this mod will be more important to community. I am myself no nothing about Hammer or how to map, but i been modeling on 3ds max 5 for 2 years and i am not proffesion and i wanna be a game designer i figured since i love games especially like Half Life 1 and 2 modding will be a good place to start. This is not only for me to learn how to be a game designer. This is for fun, learning, and make friends with HL2.net and make this for this community and all other HL2 communities
If you think this mod can be brought to life, please PM me with ur AIM or MSN/Hotmail Messenger thank you.
Well here is a new MP Mod Idea.
It goes like this
This mod is based on 3 races those are Race 1 Human, Race 2 Xen and Race 3 Combine. It could be a Deathmatch game or Team Deathmatch meybe something else. Each race has diffrent classes Humans for example have Snipers/Medics/Soldiers/ and more if u prefer (like Team Fortress basically) While the Xen has Headcrab/Zombie/Ant Lion/Ant Lion Guard/Alien Slayer and meybe some old HL classics like bullsquid and some others. Combine has Elite Combine/DropShips/Striders. All of the HL2 weapons will be included in the mod especially Gravity Gun which will be well hidden so its hard to find
HeadCrabs have a special ability, as a headcrab if u managed to kill another player and his corpse is lying on the ground you can hop on his head and turn him into a zombie and then play as a zombie. Zombies are awfully slow but there weill be special hiding spots for zombie where you can hide and attack the player. 2/3 Hits will be enough to kill another player as a zombie. There are 3 diffrent headcrabs you can choose, Old HeadCrab, the fast headcrab and the squeky black headcrab each of em have diffrent abilitys. As you saw in Ravenholm the black headcrabs sticked to zombies buddy what you can do is be a normal headcrab become a zombie then other people who are on your team as Black Headcrabs can be attached to your zombified body and be 1 monstorus Zombie
Combines earn money just like in CSS for killing you can start of with a plain combine then after u kills ome and get some money you will be able to go to the change chamber where you can change into a elite combine or buy urself a dropship or get a strider. (striders will cost crazy money)
If your going to have a dropship your other teammates can gather together into the dropship (4 people in 1 dropship) 1 is a Pilot while others are ready to attack. Once you will land where you want you will open the dropship doors and get out and destroy Humans and Xen.
Only combine and Humans can get the gravity gun
How will changing to class work?
Well you won't press a special button anymore to change into a diffrent class, each race have a special room in their base, they also have weapon store. As soon you have enough money to buy new weapons all you do is go back to the base and buy some new weapons. You can carry the same amount weapons as in Half Life 2 Single Player (new may be added) The mod will DEFENTLY include a real sniper instead of a crossbow sniper. Both will be in there.
How big will be the maps?
The maps will be very big each base will be also big. Because in 2 bases you will have a Weapon Store and Class Changing Room where and a Vehicle buying platform. Some new vehicles might be added for this mod. Expect for combine cause combine have the Combine Buggy which will be a buyable vehicle and driveable.
The battles will take in huge City 17 areas and some others meybe even Xen
I think this will be a great mod if it can be taken seriously. THis just a mod idea but it would be nice in my opinion If anyone really wants to help to do this PM me, yes i also mentioned Half Life 2 invasion but that can wait, and i think this mod will be more important to community. I am myself no nothing about Hammer or how to map, but i been modeling on 3ds max 5 for 2 years and i am not proffesion and i wanna be a game designer i figured since i love games especially like Half Life 1 and 2 modding will be a good place to start. This is not only for me to learn how to be a game designer. This is for fun, learning, and make friends with HL2.net and make this for this community and all other HL2 communities
If you think this mod can be brought to life, please PM me with ur AIM or MSN/Hotmail Messenger thank you.