300 Promo trailer!~!!!!!kp INSANE!!!

Looks...well...its hard to say from the low quality trailer. Love the story, but this looks like a God of War(PS2) adaptation--not that that's a bad thing by any means, but it looks highly stylized which may work for it or against it. Too hard to say right now.

The Stormtroopers of Death have a great song based on this action as well. Great tune.

That being said, the movie looks like it could be halfways decent. I liked Sin City and the Dawn of the Dead remake.

I must admit, however, that Razzie's absurdly hyperbolic reaction has made the movie sound far, far lamer than it probably is.
Can't wait. First footage I've seen and it looks awesome.
what the hell .. ? it's strange and just generally, what the hell. i'll see it though.
I just watched the trailer and hot damn, it looks quite amazing. Glad to see well translated scenes from the comic to the film. Movie appears to have a lot more original content. For the best I suppose, the comic wasn't very long.
If this sucks then Watchmen is going to suck, since it's the same director.

Here's hoping this is actually good.
looks cool, but it would be so much better if they did the whole thermopylae story properly, and based it on the book "Gates of Fire". Now instead everyones going to think this is actually what spartans were like and that its actually what happened at thermopylae. they even ****ed up the "we'll have our battle in the shade" line.
Looks like a game.

I don't know if it warrants a keyboard smashing though. Boy is that getting old.
Too much yelling/screaming.
Also, Asuka, calm the **** down plz.
Looks interesting to say the least...

Sin City's trailer had me pumped alot more though.

I'll wait for reviews.
i'll give the trailer some bonus points for having an NiN tune in it.
it looks pretty good and based on how good Sin City was, i am hoping this movie is just as good.
I fail to see the awesome that warranted you're post.

The art, the action, the style, the acting, the story, the "epicness", plus its by Frank....It just looks phenomenal to me.

Is there anything that you don't spaff over?

Im not even going to answer you..

Looks like a game.

I don't know if it warrants a keyboard smashing though. Boy is that getting old.

To bad.

Too much yelling/screaming.
Also, Asuka, calm the **** down plz.

looks cool, but it would be so much better if they did the whole thermopylae story properly, and based it on the book "Gates of Fire". Now instead everyones going to think this is actually what spartans were like and that its actually what happened at thermopylae. they even ****ed up the "we'll have our battle in the shade" line.

It's based on a comic so you're out of luck with that. The comic covered the battle well, but the movie seems to have added more scenes.
i realise its based on a comic, ive personally got no problem with it, it looks cool, im just kinda worried thers gonna be a massive influx of morons who think its a realistic history piece.Just out of curiosity, in the comic is it actually just the 300, or do they have the 2000 or so allied troops as well?

I'm just slightly disappointed because ever since i read Gates of Fire(same story, but realistic) ive been waiting for it to become a movie. It's pretty much the best book ever, and the story itself is so good that the real story would probably be better than any adaption anyway. or maybe its just a good thing they arent gonna mangle my favourite book :)

[edit] what is the name of the main character in the graphic novel? is it just a random soldier or is it Leonidas or what?
The book is nucking futs. I can't wait.

And I KNEW somehow that "Just like you Imagined" would be in the trailer. It worked well though. I'm pretty excited.
looks cool, but it would be so much better if they did the whole thermopylae story properly, and based it on the book "Gates of Fire". Now instead everyones going to think this is actually what spartans were like and that its actually what happened at thermopylae. they even ****ed up the "we'll have our battle in the shade" line.
Wasn't that also supposed to be a movie? Or is this the movie I'm thinking about? I remember starting reading "Gates of Fire" but I forgot about it and I had to take it back. :?
Wasn't that also supposed to be a movie? Or is this the movie I'm thinking about? I remember starting reading "Gates of Fire" but I forgot about it and I had to take it back. :?

yea i read that the film rights had been sold to george clooney or something, but that was a couple of years ago and nothings been done. anyway, i'll take frank miller over george clooney anyday :D

is the original trailer nonexistant now? and am i the only one who thought it was better?
I'm with Asuka, this movie will rock! The Comic Con footage is also floating on the web, an extended version of this trailer. I'm glad to see people taking film in newer directions.
I think the movie looks quite good, if very over the top. Very styleised.

Of course I could be wrong though, I remember seeing the trailers for Sin city and rolling my eyes to the heavens, now its one of my favourite movies
wow, Asuka you get excited over the most idiotic of things. Is there nothing so stupid that can't warrant your jabbering hype?
You misunderstand. This is the greatest story ever, redone by Frank Miller, which makes it the greatest story ever x 1000
so...and over-dramatization of history with rediculous effects and stupid lines, stupid camera angles, and pointless slow motion?

count me out.