360 BC confirmed. Final.

/me unslits Foxtrot's wrists along with his own

well, they've had plenty of time to work on it, hopefully it delivers on all the potential it has, which is huge
i don't think Microsoft would be stupid enough to make their 2nd generation console incompatible with the Xbox...
Hurray! Now I can play the only game I have and liked for Xbox on it!!!!!!!!!
As long as I am playing on an XBox360 and not an Apple, I will be perfectly happy.
Xbox 360 GPU Explained

The Xbox 360 Smart 3D Memory is a relatively small piece of DRAM sitting off to the side of the GPU but yet on the same substrate. The Smart 3D Memory weighs in at only 10MB. Now the first thing that you might think is, "Well what the hell good is 10MB in the world of 512MB frame buffers?" And that would be a good line of questioning. The "small" 10MB of Smart 3D memory that is currently being built by NEC will have an effective bus rate between it and the GPU of 2GHz. This is of course over 3X faster that what we see on the high end of RAM today.

Inside the Smart 3D Memory is what is referred to as a 3D Logic Unit. This is literally 192 Floating Point Unit processors inside our 10MB of RAM. This logic unit will be able to exchange data with the 10MB of RAM at an incredible rate of 2 Terabits per second. So while we do not have a lot of RAM, we have a memory unit that is extremely capable in terms of handling mass amounts of data extremely quickly. The most incredible feature that this Smart 3D Memory will deliver is "antialiasing for free" done inside the Smart 3D RAM at High Definition levels of resolution. (For more of just what HiDef specs are, you can read here. Yes, the 10MB of Smart 3D Memory can do 4X Multisampling Antialiasing at or above 1280x720 resolution without impacting the GPU. So all of your games on Xbox 360 are not only going to be in High Definition, but all will have 4XAA applied as well.

I hate you, I thought you meant BC the XB game that was Suspended, damn you!
Why couldn't you've just written "backwards-compatible" instead of BC, is it really that hard?!:(*Stabs*

Wow, talk about a completely unnecessary and volatile reaction.
Cerpin said:
Well too bad for you, idiot. If if was the game I would have written that in the topic. Your mistake.

to bad for you Cerpin , you wont stick around on this forum .
Um, this guy should have said that "You'll be able to play all your ["top"] xbox games on the 360." Their goal is to get all ["top"] games to play on the new system, just like Guerilla's goal is to show what they would like Killzone 2 to look like, but neither is entirely truthful...
So it`s okay to stab someone, but if I call someone idiot, I get a warning? Jeez.

Anyway, I`m sure they`ll get around and make every game working. My guess is that they will say every game works in the end, with "some exeptions", and that those exeptions will include some lesser known games released three years ago. Not too fun for the fans on those games though.
Cerpin said:
So it`s okay to stab someone, but if I call someone idiot, I get a warning? Jeez.

I think it was quite obvious that there was no serious or provocative intent behind his post.
If that guy ends up on the news for killing his schoolmates, I expect an apology. But until then, the apology is on me. I`m sorry.
Cerpin said:
If that guy ends up on the news for killing his schoolmates, I expect an apology. But until then, the apology is on me. I`m sorry.

OMGZ0RZ s0mEoNe st4bb3d u 0n teh INTARNET cALL TEH p0LIce!
Dear Moses, doesn`t anyone get a joke around here?
You apparently didn't when I replied to this thread.
didn't the ps2 have a ps1 emu on it or something... so couldn't the xbox360 have the same thing?