360 controllers...


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
So, looks like I might be getting an Xbox 360, but the controllers are confuserising me...

I wanna go wireless, but what's the deal with the batteries, and charging them? Does some sorta charger come standard, or is it a built-in feature with the console, or what? Also, what kind of battery/battery pack comes with the wireless controllers as standard?

I'm looking at this package -

Xbox 360™ Complete System.
Includes:• Xbox 360™ console• Wireless controller• 20GB hard disk drive• Media remote• Component high-definition cable• Standard composite AV cable• Ethernet cable• One month free Xbox™ Live Gold subscription• Unlimited Xbox™ Live Silver access.
No charger mentioned...

From the Xbox website -

They also use normal AA batteries, or an Xbox 360 rechargeable battery that uses the innovative Play and Charge cable for continuous game play when the power starts to run low.
So does the controller come with a rechargeable battery pack and/or charger cable, or am I gonna have to use AA's unless I wanna fork out for them seperately?

Xbox kiddies, SPRING TO MY RESCUE!!
Yeah, I'm aware you can buy them seperately, I was wondering if it was neccesary, and what comes as standard with the console/controllers.

Seems kinda silly selling this whole wireless thing as more convenient when you have to buy everything seperately to get it working...

The future is expensive :(
Thats how Microsoft is making money. They loss 300$ on every console they sell. So they over price accessories to make the money back.
Fair enough I guess. Almost tempted to just go wired controllers... but they're so nifty!! :(
Unfortunately you have to purchase a plug and play kit seperately for each controller you have.

But aye, they do take 2 x AA batteries as standard. I do recommend that you go wireless though, they are pretty nifty. (And a 16 pack of AA batteries won't break the bank until you can get the charger).
Bah, for each? I was gonna grab an extra one too...

Oh well, suppose it's a good thing my parents owe me so much money ^_^

Edit - Oh yeah, another problem. I'm gonna sell off my Xbox once I get the 360, but I'm hanging onto my old games. So now I'm wondering if there's any way to keep all my save games, somehow transfer them over to the 360. Can you do this with a link cable or something?
Bad^Hat said:
Bah, for each? I was gonna grab an extra one too...

Oh well, suppose it's a good thing my parents owe me so much money ^_^

Edit - Oh yeah, another problem. I'm gonna sell off my Xbox once I get the 360, but I'm hanging onto my old games. So now I'm wondering if there's any way to keep all my save games, somehow transfer them over to the 360. Can you do this with a link cable or something?

No, you need one P&C kit (1xP&C cable and a recharge battery) and then after that you can just buy the batteries (about £8).
There is a way to transfer xbox gamesaves to the 360, but I think you need some custom kit like that SATA USB2 HDD dock thingy.
Definitely go for the wireless + charge pack, the rechargable batteries last 20+ hours and you can just leave the console to charge it overnight, and it'll turn itself off when it's done. You'll eventually make the money up from using it rather than fumbling around with AA batteries again, and again...
The charge kits, as cumbersone as they seem, are most definitely worth it. In the past three months I've spent enough money on AA batteries to pay for a play&charge kit and two extra batteries.
This is what I do with my Xbox360.

Since I am usually the only person playing the Xbox (thus only one controller is being used), I bout one Play & Charge kit and I put the rechargeable battery pack in the controller I use the most.

My other two controllers I have normal AA's in simply because they last so long cause I don't use them too much, like I use the other controllers like once or twice a week or so...

I would say that if it's just you, _definetely_ go for the p&c kit, as it is worth it in the long run! Just remember anytime you are done, leave your console on, and just plug in your controller, and the next morning it will be perfectly charged! :)
I've got one wireless and one wired (the wired never gets used!) ... ive got the charger kit for the wireless one, but whenever my mates come round to play on the 360, they bring their own controllers. I take mine round to theirs too. It makes sense, and I guess this will be a lot more commonplace with the Wii.
However, before you decide to get 4 wireless controllers, keep in mind that with a wired controller you can just plug it into any xp pc via the usb port and use it as a gamepad :)

Doesn't work with the play-and-charge kits though :(
f0rked said:
However, before you decide to get 4 wireless controllers, keep in mind that with a wired controller you can just plug it into any xp pc via the usb port and use it as a gamepad :)

Doesn't work with the play-and-charge kits though :(
They're releasing an adaptor for the wireless version to do the same thing.
Alrighty. Going in later today to check it out, thanks for the advice all :)
When I get my 360 (In about 1 month or so) I am going to get the wireless one just because I can!
Kinda weak ass, my $35 256 mp3 player can recharge itself off my computer but you need a stand allone charger for the xbax360 controlz0r
X-FacToR said:
Kinda weak ass, my $35 256 mp3 player can recharge itself off my computer but you need a stand allone charger for the xbax360 controlz0r
No, you don't have to buy a stand alone charger.

This is the only kit you need for the wireless controller. It's a $20 kit. It could be cheaper, but at least it's not extortion.
It's a wire to plug it into the console and the battery. (you can continue playing while it charges, or you can recharge overnight or whatever) A full charge lasts ~30 hours.

It charges off the console. Those other kits are for other things, like back-up / spare batteries. I might even just get the wired controller. **** all that.

Besides, maybe the PS3 can have really expensive batteries, so I wouldn't start laughing just yet. ;)

I also have a $35 256 MB mp3 player, but mine can't recharge off my computer and it didn't come with a rechargeable battery either. What one did you buy? Maybe it's a new model? Mine sucks because it drains the battery even when it's off. So I have to take the battery out when I'm done using it. Piece of shit. If I even leave it over night, the battery will be dead. WTF? I didn't take it back though, because the software it came with is worth the price. It came with good editing software, with the free MP3 player and headphones to boot.
360 controllers look really gay

theSteven said:
360 controllers look really gay

Stop being so cool Steven.

You know, if there was a gay controller competition, I think one of these would win.

Grand Prize Wiiinner (actually, this one looks more like something for large intestine internal viewing or ... something clinic.

Second Place!

Runner Up


I'm only kidding. Who really cares anyway? It's an input device.