360 Wireless internet


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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Imt rying to hook my 360 up to the internet, however the ethernet cord wont reach seeing as my modem is in the opposite end of the house. I heard that you could use a normal access point that plugs in USB. I tried that but it doesnt connect. Anyone have any luck with this, as im not going to pay 100 bucks for the microsoft one.
You should be able to use a wireless bridge. It uses the ethernet plug and no drivers required. Not sure about using USB wireless adapters and the xbox360. You might be able to but those normally need drivers to work. So you might have to get one that is certified to work with the Xbox360 (like the MS branded ones).
Something like this would'nt work then right?
It would need Windows for the drivers and the device to work. Don't even think it works with linux.

lePobz has a good idea going through the power outlets.
Here is a wireless bridge.
"Works without drivers on Windows®, Macintosh®, Linux®, PlayStation®2, Xbox™, or proprietary devices – anything with an Ethernet port!"
Ah well....I guess there are no shortcuts to save time and money. Thanks for the help but I think my only viable option is to hook it up to my LDTV near my router.