3D Artist / Modeler - Looking for a MOD



Im currently working in the game industry on a PC/Xbox title and I have previous experience working in Film. Im looking for experience working with the Source Engine in my spare time. I have some Level Design skills using the Unreal Engine but my strength is Modeling and Texturing. I use Maya or Max. Please visit my website for samples of my work http://cydonian.com/sigma/

If you have a good team with a clear vision and solid concept please contact me.
Hey, you may be exactly what I am looking for. I am not sure about your organics. But well. await my email, it realy does depend on your intrests. Anyway you will understand soon. I will send an pm/email
Hey sigma fantastic work, i would like to see if you are interested in working with a mostly professional team (meaning we are all in the same boat as you).


let me know if it peaks your interest, if so, i will send out a full offer.
how quickly one doth get moped up :p

i would send an email, but first needing to get hl2 :( and then i want ot flesh some stuff out with a mate.
sigma did u actually get my email? I havn't heard back from you. Just wondering whats going on...
Me to, just to tell you, on the mod community, we like to know when offers are taken or declined.
Adrien C said:
Me to, just to tell you, on the mod community, we like to know when offers are taken or declined.

I only like to make 1 offer at a time, so I am currently on hold until I find out whats going on. Which kinda sucks. We are badly in need of a texture artist and maybe a character modeller.
IchI said:
I only like to make 1 offer at a time, so I am currently on hold until I find out whats going on. Which kinda sucks. We are badly in need of a texture artist and maybe a character modeller.

Yep, specially when you only need one. We found a great player modeller the other day,he goes by the name of methodicalj check out some of his work :



Sorry to keep everyone waiting. Ive been pretty busy the past few days and I was a bit overwhelmed with all the response i got from this thread. At the moment I still havent decided on what mod to join, if any. I just havent found what im looking for yet. Some very cool ideas out there but one of the most important things that Im looking for is a Mod that stays true to the HL2 universe (has to have a Sci-Fi or Post Apocalyptic theme) and a team with a good conceptual artist. I should of stated in the original post that I dont deal with Character Modeling because its not one of my strengths at the moment. Im a technical Modeler and Texture Artist.

I thank all of you for contacting me and If and when i do decide on a particular mod then i will be contacting those involved directly. Please dont wait on me. If you have an opportunity to pick someone else then please do.

Thanks to everyone for considering me!
Goody, can't wait to see who you pick :) Please take your time.
Just contacted you, thanks for your time and kindness to us posters, :)