3D Realms Sees Major Employee Departures, Fate of DNF in Question?

uhh.... Duke Nukem Forever is getting really annoying.. why the hell don't they just release it and patch the bugs.. they've had 9 years to get it right... If they can get it done before 3D Realms goes broke, they WILL be able to save enough money for their company with sales of the game..
Fate of DNF in question? Last time I checked it's fate was to pretty much never be released. Question answered.
Was this even a question? I've been a member of the 3DR boards for 5+ years now and I know even back then DNF would not ship in our lifetimes.
Do people actually think this game is going to come out? Duke Nukem is not relevant anymore. Don't waste your time.
I don't know, I think Duke Nukem would still get a rise out of the younger generatoin *16+...plus us since we love him so.*

I still wish it would come out..or a Duke Nukem something.
I honestly can't see the game doing well if it ever does come out (lol that's a joke, it will never see the light of day).

The generation that grew up with him has, for the most part, matured out of him, and games as a whole have largely abandoned the flagrant titillation and fart jokes (as well as ridiculous gore-soaked bravado) of the mid-90's FPS genre in favor of more sophistication.

The only way I could see it doing even moderately well is if the nature of the Duke Nukem series itself was rehauled, but then it would most likely no longer be Duke Nukem, so what's the point? Just cancel it, or take what you have, change its story, and slap a different name on it.
I honestly can't see the game doing well if it ever does come out (lol that's a joke, it will never see the light of day).

The generation that grew up with him has, for the most part, matured out of him, and games as a whole have largely abandoned the flagrant titillation and fart jokes (as well as ridiculous gore-soaked bravado) of the mid-90's FPS genre in favor of more sophistication.

The only way I could see it doing even moderately well is if the nature of the Duke Nukem series itself was rehauled, but then it would most likely no longer be Duke Nukem, so what's the point? Just cancel it, or take what you have, change its story, and slap a different name on it.


/runs off crying.
I want in like 30 years time to be married, have 2 kids, have billions in the bank and be sitting at home one day playing in my VR (Virtual Reality) game thingamajig and there will be a newsflash absolutely EVERYWHERE announcing that DNF came out and the whole world will come to a stop as we all go to play it.
I think DNF must be some kind of a joke :D
I haven't had no hope for DVF in a looong time. I very much doubt we'll ever see it :)
If it does come out, watch it get horrible ratings.
To put how long DNF has been in development in perspective, I played DN3D in the 8th grade. I've since graduated high school, graduated a 4 year university and now am in my second year of graduate studies. I have full confidence that I'll finish my grad studies before DNF comes out (3-4 years).
To put how long DNF has been in development in perspective, I played DN3D in the 8th grade. I've since graduated high school, graduated a 4 year university and now am in my second year of graduate studies. I have full confidence that I'll finish my grad studies before DNF comes out (3-4 years).

I remember playing it in Elementry school :P
Screw all you haters, you say the same boring, predictable responses in the Stalker threads. Yet you do not blink an eye when Valve announces they'll be pushing their games back until next year.

Duke Nukem, when released, will make a very big profit.
Yea besides, you guys are looking at this the wrong way. The company now has a chance to hire some people that actually get things done.
It seems to me that George Broussard's gigantic ego is what is (has) preventing DNF from being completed in a timely fashion. The engine switch was entirely unnecessary IMO. Personally, I'm not all that interested in it. If it comes out, great, if not: it hardly changes much.

Of course, I could just be misinformed about the whole scenario.
Screw all you haters, you say the same boring, predictable responses in the Stalker threads. Yet you do not blink an eye when Valve announces they'll be pushing their games back until next year.

Duke Nukem, when released, will make a very big profit.

Valve has never pushed back a game for 9 years...
Screw all you haters, you say the same boring, predictable responses in the Stalker threads. Yet you do not blink an eye when Valve announces they'll be pushing their games back until next year.

Duke Nukem, when released, will make a very big profit.

You want perspective? Valve, as a company, did not exist when DNF was announced back in '96. Valve released HL, a game that revolutionized the FPS genre. After 6 years, Valve released HL2, which lived up to the hype generated. After 18 months, Valve released HL2 Ep1, an extension to HL2. In another few months, HL2 Ep2 will be out. In that timeframe, 3DR hasn't put out a single game. And Valve is not exactly a game factory (compared to Raven/Gearbox etc etc).

DNF won't ever be profitable, because vaporware can not be profitable by definition.
Yea besides, you guys are looking at this the wrong way. The company now has a chance to hire some people that actually get things done.

Think about the reverse side of that. Its said that a bunch of the people who left went over to GearBox.

Why would any respectable game developer hire anyone who worked on DNF? Dont they realize that these people have taken 9+ years to make one f-king game?
More perspective - 3D Realms have never released a Windows game.
""Physics and animation systems are virtually finished and shippable," he said. "It's simply maintenance and polish from here on out"

What about level design , gameplay , voice acting and etc. ? :P
Screw all you haters, you say the same boring, predictable responses in the Stalker threads. Yet you do not blink an eye when Valve announces they'll be pushing their games back until next year.

Duke Nukem, when released, will make a very big profit.

One small difference, or should I say large difference:


Everybody's worried
about that atom bomb
no-one seems worried
about the day the duke shall come
(you better)
get your rig in order
he may be coming soon
heeee'll hit like an atom bomb
when he comes when he does
heeee'll hit
(yeah yeah)
heeee'll hit
(yeah yeah)

.bog. - holding his breath for dmfnf!
Screw all you haters, you say the same boring, predictable responses in the Stalker threads. Yet you do not blink an eye when Valve announces they'll be pushing their games back until next year.

Key Difference:
Valve actually releases games.

Why would any respectable game developer hire anyone who worked on DNF? Dont they realize that these people have taken 9+ years to make one f-king game?

I have no doubt that 3DRealms houses/housed some very talented people. They just need to be working on a different project not under Broussard.
I can see a few years from now: Broussard is working in his basement to finish DNF after the team abandons him.

Or the irony would be that they actually release a product.
"Some people seem to think that DNF will be like the second coming of Christ, will solve all the world's problems, wash your dishes, and give you guilt, sin-free orgasms,"

I lol'ed at that.
Yeap. 3DRealms passed it off to somebody else that could actually get a game done.

Ain't it strange how two of the top three vaporware games (DNF, Prey, TF2) were under the helm of one company? And TF2 doesn't qualify any more since it's now displaying materialization.
I've known people who couldn't wait to play DNF when it was first announced. They're dead now :(
Screw all you haters, you say the same boring, predictable responses in the Stalker threads. Yet you do not blink an eye when Valve announces they'll be pushing their games back until next year.

Duke Nukem, when released, will make a very big profit.

Are you George Broussard, lol?