3D RTS's not working...

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Jan 16, 2004
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does anyone know a sufficient pc tech forum/site that could help me with a problem I'm having with 3D RTS's? (they freeze after 10 secs) Or has anyone heard of this problem?

A problem that ONLY occurs on a particular genre of game? That's a new one...
blahblahblah said:
you gotta be more specifc (games, system, overclocking, etc)

yeah sorry, I was looking rather for some links:


athlon 2800+
512 pc 3200
radeon 9600 pro allin
cat 4.3
sp1 + updates

nothing wrong with my system, fresh install of windows 1 week ago....

And this doesn't affect any game that is not in the RTS genre?

Games freezing after 10 seconds could be caused by memory issues, heat issues, cabling problems, driver problems, or corrupted game files.

It would help narrow down the problem with more info on what you know about it.
umop said:
And this doesn't affect any game that is not in the RTS genre?

Games freezing after 10 seconds could be caused by memory issues, heat issues, cabling problems, driver problems, or corrupted game files.

It would help narrow down the problem with more info on what you know about it.

thats all I know...
So, when you load up similar games that are a different genre, it doesn't happen? If you were to load up Battlefield 1942 it would play like a charm?
Well, with the information provided, here are the possible reasons why your RTS games freeze after 10 seconds (I know I will miss a few):

Heat issues: 1) Your GPU might be running so hot that it automatically shuts itself off. Happened to me when my GPU fan died.
2) Your CPU might be running too hot from the stress of the games and insuffecient cooling, causing your computer to "freeze".
3) Your memory might be running so hot that all data within it gets distorted/corrupted/completely destroyed, causing your computer to freeze.

Memory Issues: Your memory might be configured inappropriatly and after 10 minutes into the game, after all of the memory has been used up, computer freezes and it gets glitchy.

Cabling Issues: Perhaps your GPU has a molex connector in it to help supply additional power (unsure about the 9600xt, too lazy to look it up) and without the molex plugged in, the GPU can't do all of the work it's supposed to, consequently shutting itself off.

Driver Issues: 1) Unlikely, but make sure you have the latest Cat drivers from ATI. Perhaps the installation you downloaded was slightly corrupted, causing a file within the installation or setup to become effected, leading to your problems.
2) Perhaps your chipset drivers are incorrectly installed, leading to instability.

Game File Issues: Perhaps the games you are playing are all freezing because an important file the game needs may be corrupted or damaged. This could be a result of a failing hard disk.

Ok, I'm tired, I'll stop here, but you see, with the amount of information you gave us, this is a short list of possiblities.
Well, you reinstalled windows. Why?

Did the problems with games start to happen before or after the windows reinstall?
do you play other games?

if so, which games? do they run fine?..

i see absolutely no reason why it would only happen with one type of 3d game and not another.

the only thing i would attribute it to would be a hardware failure, perhaps ram, cpu, or video card.

you can test your ram with memtest86 (memtest86.com), you can test your cpu with prime95 (dont have a link, just google it), you can test your videocard with 3dmark03 (madonion.com just let it loop over and over...)
thanks everyone, especially umop. "3D" RTS are not the only games that are freezing/restarting (CS,Vietnam and GTA3 work usually ok, but every 1/3 play they crash...im going to go and try memtest and 3dmark, thanks for all your input...