
I used to have an 3DFX card..was awesome...I wish it came back.
Asus said:
"Blast his freaking head off!"
will comply *kekeke..crack* BOOM HEADSHOT!
How old are these commercials? I think I
remember something like that airing once.
Asus, the weirdest thing just happen to me: I did download one of those commercials in form of rar. file and it crashed my PC, wiped my BIOS clean, reset my Cmos and corrupted one of my Ram chips.
What I did was to open file and WHAM! BSOD took me all night to narrow down the problem and come back online.

Could you explain this to me? And did anyone else experienced this?

Believe me, I went to hell in hell train.
Barney Fife said:
Asus, the weirdest thing just happen to me: I did download one of those commercials in form of rar. file and it crashed my PC, wiped my BIOS clean, reset my Cmos and corrupted one of my Ram chips.
A different file of the same video but in RAR? Dunno man, where did you get the RAR files? I watched the video's in these ZIP files just fine.
dream431ca said:
I used to have an 3DFX card..was awesome...I wish it came back.
They were purchased by nVidia if my memory serves me like it should. So technically they still live to this day. ;)
Asus said:
A different file of the same video but in RAR? Dunno man, where did you get the RAR files? I watched the video's in these ZIP files just fine.

Sorry Asus. It was RAM that went down and not virus.
File came as rar. file, because Winrar is my default file zipper. The way it happened is what made me convinced it was some sort of virus, because as soon as I opened, right at the same time system went crashing and never rebooted, because BIOS would not post.
But when I tried to reinstall Windows and Windows wouldn't install, then I realized I had hardware problem and not software.

I do apologize for this.