3ds max or mod tool exporter


Apr 23, 2005
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hey is there a 3ds max map exporter, or a map exporter for the xsi mod tool, i tried using the combination of the HammerHelper tool or w/e for xsi, and the valve source addon, but when i tried to export it said u can not export in this version.
Yes, for 3dsmax there is Game Level Builder (GLB) found at http://www.maple3d.com/MainFrameScriptsPage.htm

However, Its got a lot of tools to make a great map, but I dont think its as helpful as beginners might think. It can be helpful in making higher poly world brushes, but in the same vain u can make it even better by making it a static prop, like curves in roads and that kinda junk. plus teh full version costs money. they have an older version for free on the site though.
I actually use the export function of GLB (ver. 2.xx - the free one) and it works a charm. Swiss_cheese9797 is right on when he said it's not as useful as one might think. After spending an evening (and most of the night) messing around with it, I ended up dismissing all but the export function : ). I'm pretty good at Max so it's extremely fast for me to mock stuff up and try it out, but if you do not know Max that well stay well clear of it.

Remember: Snap to grid or you will cry like a baby later (I know - I did).

please hold me...

- The LoveMeister
thanks, i dont know hammer either so i am really stuck with the map making aspect of games.
I thought Cannon Foder did all sorts of 3DS Max tools and things with other HL2 and SDK tools - Just a sec let me find the link, okay its


There this guy does alot of tools and they are some HL2 ones - Please note for XSI Mod Tool there is a add-on for it that lets you export with the source engine in mind.