3Dsmax 5.1 convert to MAYA?


Jun 8, 2003
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3Dsmax 5.1 convert to MAYA problem?

(sorry for the double post, i posted it wrong the 1st time :/ )

we finally found our skinner for our MOD, one small problem, he uses MAYA, and we use 3Dsmax, the question is whats the best way to convert our model to something he can open. He downloaded a .3ds convertion tool, i sent him my file (.3ds), when he opened it, he had 4601 poly's. So i opened that .3ds file, and suddenly i also had 4600+ poly's? how is that possible, when i made the weapon (in .max format) it only had 1941 poly's, then i export it to .3ds and re-open it, and then it has 4600+ ...?? does anyone know where this is coming from?

some help would be nice :)

When you export from Max it converts all the polygons to triangles. Thats where the inflation comes from. But since HL2 uses triangles as well you should realise that your weapon's triangle/poly count is way too high :)
what should i take for the max poly (trianlge) count then?
i was thinking:

v_model = max. 2000 ?
w_model = max. 3000 ?

will that do, or is that still to high ? ;p