3rd March 2014 - ValveTime Weekly News Round-Up


Retired Lead Content Creator
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May 29, 2007
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As you may have noticed, this past week wasn't particularly bustling with headline news, but there was definitely still enough developments to fill up an all-new ValveTime Weekly News Round-Up! In this episode, we talk about the public release of Steam Family Sharing, a major update to the Steamworks Development tools, the reveal of "Fantasy Dota", and much more!

As always, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to give our Dota 2 Announcer Pack a thumbs up over on the Steam Workshop. Thanks for watching.


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Darn, I was hoping that it essence, independently controlled sales would mean more sales, more of the time, but what i got from it was, (and i could very easily be misunderstanding it) is that it will still be like the same, 2 daily sales, 1 flash sale stuff.
Chaps your description of the SFS in the video is misleading.

You say "as long as no more than one player interacts with a giving title at the same time"
I truely wish this was the case, but it not.

Only one person can access the library of games at a time. If you have 100 games and you play Portal2, the other 99 games are locked out and can't be played. If you share with your child and they are playing half-life and you start playing CIV5, they get 5 minutes and get booted off.

It has been like this from the beginning of beta and nearly 7'000 people have signed a petition for Valve to change this.

The media keep glossing over or ignoring this major flaw.

If VALVe want to take on the consoles on their home turf then they need to offer more than what consoles do, not less.

Forget the ease of sharing physical media, even downloaded games on the PS3 can be shared between up to 3 machine and does not stop you playing title A while someone else plays title B.

Please we need the public to realise SFS is not the system Anna Sweet promised in VALVes first press release.