4 Kings caught Cheating?

I don't know why you're suprised. Around 50% of people cheat on Counter-Strike.
StardogChampion said:
I don't know why you're suprised. Around 50% of people cheat on Counter-Strike.

Care to provide a link to the particular study that you're referring to?
Well, they weren't caught hacking, but they were caught match fixing by another team and the admins, who sponsored 4 Kings, or something, didn't suspend them.
KoreBolteR said:
i thought they were genuine...

4king hackers as they are :P

did you even read what happened?

They are not hacking at all. All they did was that losing one match would make it easier for them to win the whole touriment. So they took it, simple. Then the other team that got ****ed over for them to win in this way are bitching like babies. Its quite pathetic really. If anything they should be complaining at the way the touriment matches are choosen for leaks like this to be able to happen.
IchI said:
did you even read what happened?

They are not hacking at all. All they did was that losing one match would make it easier for them to win the whole touriment. So they took it, simple. Then the other team that got ****ed over for them to win in this way are bitching like babies. Its quite pathetic really. If anything they should be complaining at the way the touriment matches are choosen for leaks like this to be able to happen.

Perhaps I misunderstood the article, but I don't think that's quite what they did. As far as I can tell, the reason they purposefully lost a match wasn't so they could win the whole tournament. Rather it was so they could win second place.

The first prize was a trip to china and the second prize was a set of graphics cards. So it appears that 4kings wanted the graphics cards rather than the trip, so they intentionally lost in order to give an advantage to Landed, the group who won first prize.

So it could be looked at in the light that two competing teams basically rigged the tournament so they could take the top two spots without having to compete against each other.

Doesn't seem very sportsman like to me I guess.
Wow, people take playing Counter-Strike way to seriously. Its just a Video game.
OmegaX said:
Wow, people take playing Counter-Strike way to seriously. Its just a game.

Erm, not when it's part of a competition. You could say the same thing about any sport; "Wow, people take Baseball too seriously, it's just a game."
Yea, but i don't consider clicking a mouse and sitting on your ass a sport.
Feath said:
Erm, not when it's part of a competition. You could say the same thing about any sport; "Wow, people take Baseball too seriously, it's just a game."

I do say that about sports and video gaming in general. Don't start in with that, "It's because you suck" stuff because it's quite the opposite.
OmegaX said:
Yea, but i don't consider clicking a mouse and sitting on your ass a sport.

Just like snooker, darts, bowls etc etc

If they're sports, then a video game can be too.
Hell maybe it's not a sport. But its still a competition. :D
Im more surprised that 4K won something :p but im not up to date on all the esport goings on!
interesting.. however coulden't they have given away the china trip for a fat wad and just bought graphics cards + more? whatever.
OmegaX said:
Yea, but i don't consider clicking a mouse and sitting on your ass a sport.

It's still part of a competition though. They aren't just doing it for fun.
Hmmmm, I must have taken the info wrong from the review. 4kings never played landed. So its not like they rigged there matches together. The team rigged there matches to win the graphics cards. Landed might have known but thats about it. I see the bad and good points about it.
IchI said:
Hmmmm, I must have taken the info wrong from the review. 4kings never played landed. So its not like they rigged there matches together. The team rigged there matches to win the graphics cards. Landed might have known but thats about it. I see the bad and good points about it.

Either way, they cheated i.e. they broke the rules of the tournement and due to the admins being the people sponsoring them, they allowed it.
LastChance are peeved because if 4Kings would have won their group and LastChance were to have won their remaining games after the group LastChance wouldn't have played 4Kings 'till the final and therefore had a chance to win the X850's(second place prize). But as it stands 4Kings played so that the Landed crew could get the X850's.

LastChance, Landed and 4Kings were the best teams there so LC did have a good chance to go onto the final.

I'm going to reserve judment untill I hear both sides of the story, all I hear is 1 pissed off LC member having a good ol' moan about losing.
^Ben said:

I'm going to reserve judment untill I hear both sides of the story, all I hear is 1 pissed off LC member having a good ol' moan about losing.

well said.
^Ben said:

I'm going to reserve judment untill I hear both sides of the story, all I hear is 1 pissed off LC member having a good ol' moan about losing.

LC expected to lose to 4Kings, however they beat Landed(who came in second place). 4Kings must be friends with Landed or something because in their game against PPHS they were purposefully running around with Knives and stuff in order to lose the match meaning they'd play LC in the next round (semi-finals).

No way would 4Kings get beat by PPHS if they were playing to win. So Landed had a much easier root to the final (by playing PPHS) than LastChance even though LastChance beat Landed in the group stages!

The way it works out is that the winner in one group plays the runner-up in the other group, so if 4Kings had won their group they would have had to play Landed in the semi-finals and almost certainly beat them(meaning Landed would have come in 3rd or 4th) and LastChance would have played PPHS who they would have probably beat and had a chance to go into the final and lose to 4Kings but still win the X850's.

The icing on the cake almost is that 4Kings have rejected their first place prize :laugh:

They wanted an easier route to the finals so purposely lost and said the rules were "unclear"...which in my opinion is called "fixing a match" and no matter how you intepret the rules, is wrong. I have also found out that a member of 4Kings was caught hacking before so all of the members changed their names and refused to tell people who they were.

So, it want even 4kings actually playing? And the mixed team did set out to win. Read lame.rtf
Some teams in pro sports (has happened in soccer for example) will do this for easier matches...It's a bit more tactics in a way.

Also seems as this thread is on clan cheating - there was a clan that disbanded because 1 player was judged to have been using a wallhack and they were thrown out of the competition... Cant remember the name now but it was in PC Gamer a while back