

Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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Anyone play much 40k? What armies you collect? How often you play? etc.

Hadn't played for quite some time put had a 3k point game last weekend, Black Templar + Elder vs Dark Angles + Guard. Really good game and as you can imagine it went on for a good 5 hours!

Right now I've got just shy 1.5k Black Templar, 1k of real solid army then 500 pts of bits and bobs that really need to be incorporated better.

Also got about the same with orks tho have not used them for a little wile as the Templar are the newer army. Did have one of the new trukk models but it seems to have gone for a walk about :(

Made a start painting the BT dread tho a few days back, around 80% done so far. Again not painted anything in a good 6-8 months now.. kind of happy with progress so far but seems a bit messy having not done any painting for ages :( Need to add some charing to the top of the exhausts, few more odd's n sod's and then the fun part of squiggly writing + symbols :) Oh and the base too!



I'd like to, but it'd be way too expensive for me since I am not interested in playing, only collecting, and I can't paint for shit.

Had an army setup for a while where I had a well-recognized professional painter do it on commission, shit was expensive man.:(
I also used to play. Used to have Blood Angels and Tau. I sold the space marines, kept the tau, but they're just kept in a box, and I'm pretty sure most of them are broken. I'm into Flames of War now. Much cheaper, just as fun, and, in my opinion, much more interesting since its got a lot of historical scenarios and such from WWII.

That paint job on the Dreadnaught is phenomenal though. Very nice job.
Nice paint job, I dunno how people are able to paint that small.
heh thanks, He is defo getting there, will post some more shots when its completed I'm sure.

I guess it is quite expensive but what hobby isnt these days? I've always enjoyed it as you can have a bunch of mates over, have some beers and just have a laugh away from computers. For just over a 100quid you can get your self a 1k point army and you will get a ton of fun out of it. And of course once you have your army you really dont need to keep spending cash.

ZT - Using very small brushes :)
I've always had an interest in trying a table top game and after playing Dawn of War and reading a couple of 40k novels, I'm quite interested in giving it a whirl.
Had a couple of 40K units myself, Space Marines. Mostly stuck to fantasy Warhammer though (High Elves).

Was fun to play when we could actually get some people to retain interest for long enough, but painting those little guys is very difficult (or it was for me when I started, at 11-12 years old or something).
I don't have enough money. If did collect 40k I'd probably go Tau or Imperial Guard.
i was the happiest person ever when they released the dreadnought in plastic assembly form with loads of option for customization. i had a sweet-ass iron warriors class chaos dreadnought from parts handpicked at warhammer hq in nottingham. man, i loved that place so much. writing this post has made me SO nostalgic for how good this game, and the collecting, assembling, painting, converting, playing and general scene around it, really is.

i collected loads of armies, but my central forces were an imperial guard armoured company (i had many tanks) and chaos iron warriors, who also had many tanks. over they years i had dark angels, orks, when the tau was released i was all over them, necrons too when they got a plastic revamp... man, probably more.
Oh neat, another 40k thread. I have a respectable Tau army, but god it was expensive so I had to quit.

I still have a nice size of unbuilt units in case I ever itch to model some.
I know its expensive to buy but you don't really need to buy a lot to have a game.

Dread is pretty much done now, pretty happy with it. There is a bolter on the base that needs a lick of paint and a few empty shell casings but other then he is done!





Shots of the jump pack chaplin and another 2 basic Marines..

Did you make the terrain on the base, or is it just sold like that?

Also, how do you do ink washes? I need to do that for my Flames of war stuff, but i'm not exactly sure what I need to buy, or how to apply it.
Stormy, I have to say you really are great at painting them, how long have you been painting table-top figures to reach that kinda level?
excellent paintjobs my man

but I play 50k sry bro
I had a few IG stuff, like 2 Sentinels and a few squads. Other things I borrowed from a friend to play.

Stopped playing years ago though. Still would like to collect.
knut, I have to say you really are great at painting them, how long have you been painting table-top figures to reach that kinda level?

these aren't my pictures man

i very rarely had time to paint because i was always converting things or buying something new straight afterwards.
^Mistake fixed, thanks for bringing it to my attention!*Slaps self on forehead*
Also, how do you do ink washes? I need to do that for my Flames of war stuff, but i'm not exactly sure what I need to buy, or how to apply it.

The washes tend to get in all the little details so for example you would paint an arm a skin type color then thow on a brown wash which will dribble into the cracks between muscle groups and veins. Its nice for adding depth!

I also use it a lot on metals, will give it a good paint over or dry brush with boltgun metal then get a black wash on it. It tends to dull it down and again it gets in the cracks to add depth. Then you can give it a good highlight with boltgun or add some chips with mithril silver!

Time wise I guess the dread took around 3/4 days on and off. Its a pretty big model and really wanted to spend some time getting some detail in there.
Stormy, how long you been painting table-top figures for?
Oh um.... Sorry thought you ment for that one model.

To be honest over all not that long. I've collected the models and armys for years but never really get into it that much. Got a half painted ork army from 3/4 years back thats half painted. Then only got the blacks Templar mid last year.

Technically been painting for years, but only do it very rarely.
I have to say, it doesn't show that you paint so rarely, because as others have said, I thought you did an amazing job on that Dreadnaught.

But I guess it's a lot about patience too, not just how long one's been doing it.

I remember when I did collect some figures(Ultramarines, I know, I'm queer.) I hated painting, because I have very shaky hands so I always **** up the details.
Yea shaky hands is a right pain in the ass, often I'll paint with both of my wrists leaning on the table edge just to make sure both the model and brush are as stable as possible.

A lot does come down to technique tho, watering down the paint makes a massive difference, it goes on the figure a lot smoother and helps to blend the colours into the base colour for a softer finish. And also a bit of insight into what colours work well with each other really helps too, so just general colour scheme and what colours mix well.