40th Anniversary of Apollo 11 mission to the moon


May 5, 2004
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In honor of the 40th anniversary of the moon landing the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum has launched a new website. The goal of the website is to allow visitors to experience the Apollo 11 mission in real time. In fact, the website will go live at 9:32am on July 16th which is exactly 40 years to the minute after the historic launch

I'm kinda surprised at the lack of comments in the last 2 Apollo 11 threads. the moon landing is easily America's greatest achievement of the last 50 odd years. you'd think our american members would be, you know, proud of their country's achievement ..........
Shit. We should have gone first.
ummm ...you were in the middle of war at the time. a war that you still havent recovered from ....duh!
Hopefully we'll be back in at least 10 or so years.
Stern remembers the moment clear as day.

His wife and children gathering around the television.

But yeah, really, that shit's crazy, and proves why America is the best.
I watched this documentary on the history of the Apollo regime. Interesting stuff.
Pride is too similar to arrogance for my taste. People should be ashamed of themselves instead.
Pride is too similar to arrogance for my taste. People should be ashamed of themselves instead.

yes they should only wear clothing made from potato sacks and whip themselves with thorny branches ......oh wait that sounds like christianity. the whole humble sheep bit. you should become a priest as you speak in metaphors
it was a joke

I have no idea what to say about it, that's all. I hope we do more cool shit. I can't wait until we explore space further.

EDIT: I didn't realize that it was live today. This is badass.

I actually have been digitizing archival photos like the ones on the site for my job.
The space program needs a lot more funding. It's pathetic how we, as a nation, regressed after landing on the moon, as if that was the end of space exploration all together. Instead of funding NASA we blew billions of dollars in a war now thought to be a fortuitous waste of time.

I'm annoyed that we seem to be at a crossroads with the space program. Mars should not be a goal in the next 50 years, it should be on the drawing boards right now with a set date and time. But no, the leaders of this country are constantly perturbed by asinine foreign policy which may as well be a giant money vacuum.

The odds of microbial life within the surface of mars is sufficient enough to warrant a mission sooner rather than later. No, we aren't going to find little martians running around in the dust storms, but the idea that life could exist so close to us is unreal. People are put off by the vast distances we would need to travel and my answer to that idea is...so what. Build a ****ing ship, launch that mother ****er and bring mankind out of the dark ages. The whole idea behind space exploration is to reach a new world and look beyond it to the next one. (Mission to Mars rip off)
Stern, you know your jealous that the US now owns the moon now aren't you, just don't make us kick your ass again like we did in the Revolutionary War.
Stern, you know your jealous that the US now owns the moon now aren't you, just don't make us kick your ass again like we did in the Revolutionary War.

lol we sent you home with your tails between your legs, and when that wasnt enough we did it again in 1812

wikipedia said:
The invasion of Quebec ended as a disaster for the Americans
i don't blame him, I would have knocked him the **** out...imagine being 1 of 12 people in the WORLD to step foot on another and have some ignorant conspiracy theorist asshole question your most prized achievement. Not only that, but having been called a coward and a liar!?

That's the thing with people with like that. Conspiracies are generally interesting but to a person with a shitty and dull life, they provide a way of distracting themselves to the point where they convince themselves of their own bullshit.

I hate people so much.
On September 9, 2002, filmmaker Bart Sibrel, a proponent of the Apollo moon landing hoax theory, confronted Aldrin outside a Beverly Hills, California hotel. Sibrel said "You're the one who said you walked on the moon and you didn't" and called Aldrin "a coward, a liar, and a thief." Aldrin punched Sibrel in the face. Beverly Hills police and the city's prosecutor declined to file charges. Sibrel suffered no permanent injuries

probably not a good idea to assault someone in plain view ...but i bet that felt really really good
probably not a good idea to assault someone in plain view ...but i bet that felt really really good

he's old and he walked on the moon...he can do whatever the hell he wants as far as i'm concerned. you know that's why he didn't have to answer for the incident, people have too much respect for him and next to none for bart.
he's old and he walked on the moon...he can do whatever the hell he wants as far as i'm concerned. you know that's why he didn't have to answer for the incident, people have too much respect for him and next to none for bart.

Respect and this:

"However, it was decided that Aldrin had been provoked, and did not actually injure Sibrel, and so no charges were filed.[2] Many talk show hosts aired the clip.[2]"

Besides, hes a rapper too - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-fcRLrSA9A

and - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTKedyQQkZQ

Buzz Aldrin > Neil Armstrong.

Congratulations Americans for the one thing no-one in the world hates you for!

...that came out more aggressive than I intended. Seriously, this should be remembered. IMO easily the greatest moment in the history of the USA, if not the world.

Although it bothers me that Armstrong and Aldrin got to get all the attention, the Apollo program had so many more impressive astronauts like John Young, Jim Lovell and Al Bean (alright, Al Bean's just fun and approachable, but still). And Alan Shepard, the first American in space.
Leaving the audio on makes me feel liek an astronought!
40 years and all this technology later and we haven't done shit since. GRATS USA, GRATS.
40 years and all this technology later and we haven't done shit since. GRATS USA, GRATS.

Permanent habitat in space, most powerful telescope ever built placed in orbit, several unmanned landings on Mars, explorations of the Galilean moons and the first two man-made objects to have left the solar system and the world's first completely re-usable space delivery system. Development has, sadly, slowed down considerably. It has, however, not come to a standstill.
Fun Fact: Neil Armstrong wore a dragonshirt underneath his spacesuit during the moonwalk. It's currently on display at the Smithsonian.

Google it if you think I'm bluffing.
Shit, in 10 years, we'll be on mars. Or pretty damn close to it.

I'm sure once NASA starts this whole outsourcing thing to private industry, the whole space thing is going to move along much quicker.
I did and all I can find is a Something Awful article, which is obviously satirical.
Oh yeah, I forgot but nevermind Google as I couldn't get anything either other than that stupid satirical article too. I had pics of it once, and I'm still trying to find them again.

P.S. If anyone else finds them, then post it. My internet connection sucks too badly to follow vapor trails. Posting it would be a great tribute to Neil Armstrong in this thread fs.
Erm... I'm pretty sure he wore a flight suit with bio-med belts under his space suit. I mean, I guess it's possible he wore a dragon shirt over that and then put on the space suit, but... well... they keep those things pretty standardized seeing as how they prevent them from dying. Also cause dragon shirts are lame. NASA regulations.
Erm... I'm pretty sure he wore a flight suit with bio-med belts under his space suit. I mean, I guess it's possible he wore a dragon shirt over that and then put on the space suit, but... well... they keep those things pretty standardized seeing as how they prevent them from dying. Also cause dragon shirts are lame. NASA regulations.
Yeah, but he probably didn't wear a flight suit next to bare skin.

Still, if it was true, then are you calling Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, LAME? :p
Yeah, but he probably didn't wear a flight suit next to bare skin.

You're quite right. They wore a thing called a Constant Wear Garment under their flight suit.

Still, if it was true, then are you calling Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, LAME?

No, because I know it's not true! :p
...and no great achievements have been reached ever since.
There's really no point in going back to the moon, they've done all they can now with current technology.

Anyway, skeptics would just say its fake again.
There's really no point in going back to the moon, they've done all they can now with current technology.

Anyway, skeptics would just say its fake again.

there are plenty of reasons to go back. One would be to construct a permanent base for refueling when we go to mars, which will be sometime near when episode 3 comes out in 20 years.

Another would be to drill and see if the moon has any extremophiles (single cell organisms that live in only the most extreme enviroments). Some of these extremephiles (archaea) can live in temperatures as hot as 200C. Plus, it's the ****ing moon....we need to be back.