5.1 Cats are here!!

Ok, I'm confused! :S There are two drivers. Which one do I get? Or do I get both? IF I have to get both, then does it matter which I install first?
I reinstalled XP and checked for new drivers yesterday.. I must have just missed the release!
sfc_hoot said:
Ok, I'm confused! :S There are two drivers. Which one do I get? Or do I get both? IF I have to get both, then does it matter which I install first?
One includes the Catalyst Control Center, one does not. Get the one that does.
f|uke said:
One includes the Catalyst Control Center, one does not. Get the one that does.
Thanks! :thumbs: Last time (4.1) I downloaded and installed both, so should I now uninstall the one that doesn't include the Catalyst (i.e. ATI Control Panel)?
sfc_hoot said:
Thanks! :thumbs: Last time (4.1) I downloaded and installed both, so should I now uninstall the one that doesn't include the Catalyst (i.e. ATI Control Panel)?
Unintsall everything to do with ATI and then use driver cleaner before rebooting. Then install the driver set including the control centre and reboot. If you get a message on reboot that says CLI.EXE - THE APPLICATION FAILED TO INITIALISE PROPERLY (0XC0000135). CLICK ON OK TO TERMINATE THE APPLICATION. then you have not got microsofts .net 1.1 framework which is a requirement to run the control centre.
Unintsall everything to do with ATI and then use driver cleaner before rebooting. Then install the driver set including the control centre and reboot. If you get a message on reboot that says CLI.EXE - THE APPLICATION FAILED TO INITIALISE PROPERLY (0XC0000135). CLICK ON OK TO TERMINATE THE APPLICATION. then you have not got microsofts .net 1.1 framework which is a requirement to run the control centre.
Done that. Everything appears to be working. Now, what is Catalyst A.I?
No just the set including the control panel.

I've written a short set of instructions you should follow for installing the cat drivers that include the control panel onto a windows XP operating system..

Uninstall the old drivers by going to add/remove programs under the control panel. Select to uninstall the control centre if its installed and then uninstall it but click cancel when the system asks to reboot. Select the ATI display drivers and uninstall them but again click cancel when the system reboots. Download driver cleaner which ive linked below...


In driver cleaner select ATI and click the clean button. You can now reboot.

If you have not downloaded the catalyst drivers including the control panel then do so from the link below.


Install these and then reboot again. The ATI drivers with control panel will now be installed on your system. However if you get the "Cli.exe - Application error - The application failed to initialize properly" message upon rebooting then you need to install the .net framework and reboot again . I've linked the install file for that below.


sfc_hoot said:
Done that. Everything appears to be working. Now, what is Catalyst A.I?
Yes you can enable cat AI from within the control panel. Right click anywhere on the desktop and select control panel and wait for the application to load. when loaded select the + next to the 3D section under graphics settings and cat AI is unde there.
Thanks for the instructions. I've managed to get everything working. :) And is it ture that Cat AI causes your FPS to drop? Should I have it disabled?
oh i hope these work... 4.10's..11's and 12's didnt work too well for me
my comp crashed when i tried to install the 4.12 cats, then when it rebooted it went back to windows VGA, no driver for my card - bugger - so i was a little apprehensive installing these ones, but they went in fine, and they seeem to have improved the performance of my card, i can now up my settings to 4xAF instead of 2, doesn't sound much but it's nice to get that bit better graphics - my other settings are all high except shader detail, thats on low, refect all, and 4xAA on 1024x768, i get constant 30 or 60 fps since i have vsync on, if thats off it's usually between 30 and 100, averaging 50 i spose, but i get horrible tearing without vsync on:(
Hmm should I dl Control Panal or Control Center.
I hate how the control center takes a while to load up. Does Contol panal have most\all of the features as the control center? I believe it does I've used both before.
Minerel said:
Hmm should I dl Control Panal or Control Center.
I hate how the control center takes a while to load up. Does Contol panal have most\all of the features as the control center? I believe it does I've used both before.

:) Catalyst Control Center has the option for Catalyst AI, you can give it a point for being more "user friendly" and more interactive. The only problem with it IMO is that the setting with AA or AF accounts for both Direct3D and OpenGl, while the older control panel, the two are separate.
Actually I remember the control panal having the option for the Cataylst AI.
Ima go with the panal this time.