5.1 speaker set up


Feb 17, 2004
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I am trying to set up my 5.1 speakers, what is the best way? I have the 2 front ones on my desk right infront of me and my left rear speaker is about 2 feet behind me and 7 feet to the left, my right rear speaker is 3 feet the left and 2 feet behind me. I was thinking of hanging the rear speakers from the cieling behind me, how far back should they be? And how far apart should they be?


o = Front left and right speaker, and back, left and right speaker
:D = You.
+ = Subwoofer on the floor infront of you, voicebox infront of you (Like on top of your tv or computer screen)

O_o This posts makes no sence, Im crazy.
Ritz said:


o = Front left and right speaker, and back, left and right speaker
:D = You.
+ = Subwoofer on the floor infront of you, voicebox infront of you (Like on top of your tv or computer screen)

Bah forget it, I would have to show you a picture of my room, I am just going to get the tape out and start messing with it. Thanks for the suggestion though :p
Foxtrot said:
So I should just try to make it symetrical?

Would think so, since you have two left and two right speakers, you have them in the corner.

If a sound is coming from the left, both front left, and back left will sound. If a sound is coming from the front and to the left.. front left will sound.

Etc etc, at least thats how mine work.
Ritz said:
Would think so, since you have two left and two right speakers, you have them in the corner.

If a sound is coming from the left, both front left, and back left will sound. If a sound is coming from the front and to the left.. front left will sound.

Etc etc, at least thats how mine work.
I am worried about getting the 2 rear confused though, if they are too close, but I am just going to start screwing with them.
Symetical is better but you can modify the ballance between the speakers to compensate if you have no choice.

It doesn't really matter where you put the sub woofer.

I should take my own advice... My speakers are set up shite atm.... :o
Ritz said:
O_o This posts makes no sence, Im crazy.

Sense. It makes no sense. Ugh, seriously, do I have to follow you around quoting your posts and saying the same thing over and over?
just be cool and pull all your speakers 3 feet away from you in circle formation with your sub on your lap so you can really feel the bass :cool:
Bad^Hat said:
Sense. It makes no sense. Ugh, seriously, do I have to follow you around quoting your posts and saying the same thing over and over?

Bad^Hat, my partner in crime! Ive, not seen you post latly, either you been skimping out of forum useage, or Im blind, either way, HI.
What we need are special chairs, so we can put the speakers behind us at the right distance and angle, and a fridge, reclining bit, dvd rack, drink holder, food holder, magazine holder.... ahh that'd be the chair for me. That or little tables to put the speakers on, mine are pretty small and quiet so i have to lean back abit to hear the back speakers due to not having an ideal room setup. :)
oldagerocker said:
What we need are special chairs, so we can put the speakers behind us at the right distance and angle, and a fridge, reclining bit, dvd rack, drink holder, food holder, magazine holder.... ahh that'd be the chair for me. That or little tables to put the speakers on, mine are pretty small and quiet so i have to lean back abit to hear the back speakers due to not having an ideal room setup. :)

This has some of that stuff. But I think your dream chair will still be a dream for now. :(
meh, lazybopy sucks
ahhh in my chair you want a little sort of desk thing like you get in some school seats, so you can put your keyboard on, and a space for your mouse... :)
Ritz said:
Bad^Hat, my partner in crime! Ive, not seen you post latly, either you been skimping out of forum useage, or Im blind, either way, HI.


Yeah. Guess I kind of disappeared there, huh...

How's it going, whorebag?
Ok...I have had a 5.1 surround system for about 5 years now..I have some tips on getting superb sound from them...

First of all..it doesn't really matter how far away the left and right speakers are from the monitor (as long as they are about 2 feet away) the most important part is, that the speakers be equal distance in both directions.

The Center speaker is very important in a 5.1 system. If you don't have one I suggest getting one (but I'm assuming you have one). The center speaker should be of course in the center. Make sure that the center speaker is almost the same volume as the left and right speakers. You could turn it up a little louder but too loud and it ruins the experience.

The back speakers should be exactly the same length away from each other as the left and right front speakers (for example 2 feet). Also set them to the same volume as the front left and right speakers.

For the sub-woofer..well that's up to you. But too much base of course could ruin the ear-drums and get the neighbours mad :) which can be fun sometimes.

Lastly...I'm wondering if this is for your PC..if it's not...this setup will work for both PC 5.1 and Home theater 5.1. Good luck. :)

EDIT: I just read that you want to hang your rear speakers from the ceiling..or back wall...that's good. Just make sure..again..that they are the same width away as the front left and right speakers. It doesn't matter how far they are back just increase the volume of them to get them to the same level of volume as the the front left and right speakers.