5.1 Surround Sound - Problems...




I am using Vista 64Bit and a Xonar D2X.
Therefore I have the DS3D GX option and there should be no problem, even if the program uses DirectSound/DirectSound3D.
I tried the snd_legacy and snd_digital option too and I tried with and without DS3D GX AND always when I choose 5.1 sound and click on OK, it automatically reverts back to stereo.
this may sound like a dumb question, but do you have proper 5.1 speakers hooked up? because unless it's a proper surround rig its hooked into it will default back to stereo. Usually PC ones use a 3 stereo wire setup if i'm not mistaken. Additionally you can run it like i have my gaming rig run, through one digital coax line, but you need a reciever to decode the digital stream in that case (and probably an adapter).
Actually I have this same issue. From what I have found/read if you are using Vista, due to the sound changes made within Vista itself and the way Valve games are programmed its currently impossible to get 5.1 surround sound to operate. Currently using Vista 64bit myself.

If anyone else has seen/found a way to fix this I would be keen on hearing it.. Ive put off playing HL2: E2 for this reason, and just flog my mates 360 version when he is finished with it.