50 conservative songs

Fairly sickening to listen to that guy masturbate in text. I got bored of the stupidity at around #20 and had to give up.

It's nice how the ironies of American pigheaded conservatism show up even when one tries to make a list of songs he likes, though.
On first glance, rock ’n’ roll music isn’t very conservative. It doesn’t fare much better on second or third glance (or listen), either. Neil Young has a new song called “Let’s Impeach the President.”
What makes a great conservative rock song? The lyrics must convey a conservative idea or sentiment, such as skepticism of government...
Contradict yourself much?

There's also the irony of quoting these Living Colour lyrics:
'“I exploit you, still you love me / I tell you one and one makes three / I’m the cult of personality.”

...as if huge swathes of the Republican voter base aren't encouraged to vote against their own economic interest by an enormous propaganda machine. And as if there was ever any reason to support Sarah Palin other than the 'cult of personality'.

To be honest, these guys should just go down the fundamentalist islam route and shun all music because of its inherent decadence. When you read a person like this trying to rationalise his liking for music which makes him feel insecure and uncomfortable in his convictions, you realise that both he and those muslims are struggling with the same quandary. Neither wants to expose themselves to input which causes any kind of internal conflict. At least the islamic response is more principled and sincere, as opposed to constantly trying to filter everything through the spectrum of your own unchanging world view, as if you're a kind of universal conversion-to-bullshit machine.
Good points, Laiv.

The really annoying part is that he assumes that anything that's anti-communist or anti-establishment is conservative.

25. “The Battle of Evermore,” by Led Zeppelin.
The lyrics are straight out of Robert Plant’s Middle Earth period — there are lines about “ring wraiths” and “magic runes” — but for a song released in 1971, it’s hard to miss the Cold War metaphor: “The tyrant’s face is red.”

Yeah, Plant is such a republican, as communism has a monopoly on the colour red.
Yeah, it's hard to miss Cold War metaphors when it's all you ever look for.
The Beatles, Bob Dylan, U2, The Who...yeah, real conservatives.

Also, being against communism = conservative? Since when?