50 inconsistencies: berg video


May 5, 2004
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found this link, brings up some interesting points. Dont know what to think could go either way IMO


here's inconsistency 24:

"A quickly disappearing video source?
A Reuters journalist in Dubai first named the Muntada al-Ansar al-Islami website as the source for the video - at www.al-ansar.biz. Although the site has now been shut down, Aljazeera.net had looked at the site within ninety minutes of the story breaking - and could find no such video footage. But Fox News, CNN and the BBC were all able to download the footage from the Arabic-only website and report the story within the hour. "

some of them are quite complelling while others are a little bit of a stretch. What do you guys think? please no knee-jerk reactions
Lock this thread, please. Completely inappropriate.
huh? why? did you read the article? there's no link to the video or any photos it's just an article

would you have objected if I had posted a thread about conspiracy thories surrounding the assasination of Kennedy?
CptStern said:
huh? why? did you read the article? there's no link to the video or any photos it's just an article

It's disputing the man's death (or, the "reasons" behind it). Leave it alone, he was beheaded infront of a video camera.
It's not a conspiracy, it's completely ridiculous to even say it is. This is as inappropriate as that 9/11 site (even though that one had pictures) :|
lock this...dont wanna hear this damn news on this forum....
man you guys are intolerant...the article is quite harmless, it's all just informed speculation and it brings up some interesting points.
CptStern said:
man you guys are intolerant...the article is quite harmless, it's all just informed speculation and it brings up some interesting points.

Interesting points? All I see is some moronic site which make a mockery (or, attempted) of a man's death.
no, no mockery..actually some of the theories were presented by his parents
Well i can't see any reason to close this on the basis of the article, even though i do think its quite stupid. However the thread will close if this bickering doesn't stop.
yes there are inconsitencies in the vidseo but most of those claims are just plain wrong
fair enough...Shuzer I'm sorry that this thread is upsetting you but this site is just one of many that posted theories around his death. I was sad when I learned of his death but there are many questions yet to be answered and most of these are being spearheaded by his family

45) Firearms Israeli, not AK-47s
Firearms experts have stated the AK-47 carried by one man was a "Galil." This actually is an Israeli-made weapon that improves on the famous AK- 47. Feyadeen and other insurgents use AK-47s.

Actually they use whatever weapons they can get thier hands on. Ive seen a few pics of Iraqi's armed with Colt M4 rifles.
CptStern said:
fair enough...Shuzer I'm sorry that this thread is upsetting you but this site is just one of many that posted theories around his death. I was sad when I learned of his death but there are many questions yet to be answered and most of these are being spearheaded by his family

It doesn't so much offend me, but I see it as a pointless discussion. All it will do is cause a flame war, and end up being closed. Plus, it's demeening to the poor soul who was killed during this heinous act.

But ah well, I'll just posting in this thread, as I'm not helping the thread's cause (whatever it may be)
Thats probobly stolen from the U.S Army.
I really dont see why it should cause a flame war, it's not about the war itself but rather some of the circumstances around the video