512 MB X1600 vs 256MB X850


Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
#1 I don't have a PCI-Express mobo so shoosh.

Anyways, I'm looking to see which AGP card is the best. I currently have a 9800 Pro. Now I waited out the last generation of cards because they weren't really different enough for me to be spending that much on a video card.

Now, my questiong is if going between those two cards which one is better? I know the MB should make it an obvious choice, but the bells and whistles in a 850 might make a difference.

Plus the X850 is a bit more expensive than the X1600...

Now am I missing something, or are they just crazy to charge about $200 less for a better video card?

Oh, and most importantly, are either of those cards THAT much better than the 9800? Because I know the X series was better but not $500 better. But I could see myself spending $300 like the X1600 if it's a lot better than the 9800.
What bells and whistels in the 850?
The 1600 can do SM3.0, Decode that HD Format, Can apply AA to the buffer that Farcry and Splinter Cell 3 use to do HDR(No nvidia card can). The 1600 is a good choice, add in 512megs of ram and you got a nice graphics card.

Anyway give us the links for the ones you are lookin at to be completely sure.

Could always save up for a Dx10 Video Card when they start rollin out..

Actually I started looking for the X850, and I realized all I could find were OEM versions, which I'm not the biggest fan of.

Perhaps I should ask a different question...

See the reason I was considering upgrading was because of an issue I've been having. I have 1.8 Ghz AMD 64, 1 Gig of RAM, 9800 Pro, on a ASUS mobo (can't remember the model... :|).

What happens is I'll be playing any Source game, Empire at War, Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, and Neverwinter Nights, and my PC will just shut down. Now I have a LOT of games, pretty much anything new, like Quake 4, Battlefield 2, Age of Empires 3, and none of those games shut my PC down. Reinstalling doesn't fix it.

Now honestly I don't think my Video Card is to blame, because I've had it since the 9800 were brand new. And the problems started after my last upgrade which was the 64-bit Processor and the new Mobo...

But I'm pulling my hair out at this point, and nobody anywhere seems to know what my problem is...
go with the x850 all the way much better performer then x1600
The X850 does not have SM3.0 and some of the video play back features the X1600 has since it's a year older. But the X850 generally will give a lot faster FPS and let you run at higher resolutions. The 1900 is new so maybe you can find some X1800's selling for cheap ? I dunno.
Sn4tcH said:
But I'm pulling my hair out at this point, and nobody anywhere seems to know what my problem is...

What kindof wattage does your PSU put out?
dont bother with the 7 series in agp overpriced and you wont notice a huge preformance over it. if you wanted to go with 7800gs you would just buy a new motherboard and 7800gt for the same price