60th Israeli Independance Day fireworks and Airshow over Tel Aviv

Either way, the next century is gonna suck for Israel if the USA tanks.
At the risk of sounding anti politically correct, Israel is basically a historical anomaly anyway, I mean how often does an utterly destroyed and scattered people magically come back to a ancient long lost homeland and establish a small fragile state amidst enemies that out-number then greatly, and survive long without outside help?.

If it wasn't for the British and Americans Israel wouldn't be around.



Someone always profit off of misery.

That and there will be countries better off than others.
AiM speaks a fairly universal well understood by all troofs.
ya well airshows and parades wont hide reality

ya well airshows and parades wont hide reality


One has to wonder how things got to be like that...





Of course, I think its pretty obvious that he's not actually aiming the gun at the child, though that seems to be what's being suggested. That's a pretty awkward position to be aiming at anything.
it got that way because what's left of palestine is under occupation ..and you miss the point of the photo ..I know he's not pointing it at the kid (look at his trigger finger, look at where the stock is placed) however it's a sign of the occupation, where a kid cant be a kid because morons fight over a strip of land