6600GT DirectX Crash - Please help


Aug 6, 2003
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Hi to all who are reading yet another crashing thread.

Here is my problem.
I upgraded from my GeForce5600 256RAM for my Asus 6600GT AGP.
Man was there a difference. I can now run HL2 with everything maxed out at like 1152x864 and it runs like a charm...fps wise.

But here goes. I'Ve been experiencing weird crashes like this :
- Game freezes at one point without warning, sounds repeats the last sound over and over.
- Computer reboots (I think my BSOD thingy is set to restart on crash)
- Game crash to desktop

The first thing is this : I'ts doing that in Half Life 2, Fear, sometimes even NHL 2005. But I can play Morrowind or NFSU 2 FOR HOURS !!! without having a single crash on my computer.

The second thing is : I've tried to play HL2 on DirectX 8.1 and I run it for hours without crash. IF I try on DirectX 9.0, it crashes in between 30secs to 10 minutes.

I've seen the same kind of problem on the net without any solution for it. Can anyone help me ?

Here are my specs :
CPU : AMD AthlonXP 1800+
MB : Asus A7V-333 Onboard soundcard
RAM : 768 RAM (1x256 and 1x512)
Video : Asus Geforce 6600GT 128mb AGP
PSU : 350W (I think it's an Antec I could check when I get back home)
OS : Windows XP without SP2
Drivers : Latest Drivers for everything : VIA, Nvidia, DirectX9.0c, games.

If nothing goes try SP2 and formatting. But I don't think Windows have is the problem, or the sound, since it crashes only in certain games, seems more like DirectX related stuff.

Thanks for your help !:imu:
Try downloading a memory tester and test that RAM- freezing at one point with the sound looping as you describe was a problem i had and it turned out to be RAM.
Check the temperatures of your Gfx card, CPU, Motherboard, Case. (Download MBM5 to do this)