6800GT and my rig


Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
ok i have an avrage rig 2.0 ghz 256 mbs ram (need more i know) windows XP and a big box(monitor) my CD reading is 52X drive.. it says cd/dvd somewheres in like system info but i never got it to read DVD's so im not getting DVD games... but i was wondering i know the 6800U would bottleneck on my computer but would the 6800GT/256 mb bottel neck? post replys!

if it will then im just getting a new rig
What's up.

I don't think you could 'fully' utilize either but with more memory they would run well on your PC.

I would recommend the 6800GT because:
6800GT is 100$ less.
6800GT is very close in performance and clock speed to the Ultra.

By the way, for the memory I would recommend either adding a 256MB stick or remove it and adding 2x512MB.
if you are going to hold onto that cpu and ram for a while, id just get a 9800 pro, or possibly a 6800 vanilla. according to benches, under 2.4ghz is when the 6800gt's and up start losing lots of performance because of cpu bottleneck.
How would i know which ram to get? and do 256 and 512 sticks take the same slots... cause i dont think they do..
do what asus said and get rid of the 256 stick and buy 2x512s
they use the same slots. people mix and match ddr ram to make weird combos all the time.
hey what speed RAM do i need to get... douse it have to match the Vcard speed?... whats good 512 x2 ram?
Erm need more info to say what RAM do you know if it is RDRAM or DDR? If not go google for SiSoft Sandra and run the main test and post the output.
could you give a link to the DL that I need for this SiSoft Sandra thing...did a search and the website has like 10 deff. DLs. )Im in need of momory info for upgrades)