70 year old woman arrested for not watering lawn


May 5, 2004
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"...And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
Over the land of the free and the home of the brave!

A 70-year-old US woman has been left bruised and bloody after an unexpected clash with police who came to caution her for not watering her lawn.

Trouble flared when Utah pensioner Betty Perry, 70, refused to give her name after being upbraided because her garden breached local regulations.

She says the officer hit her with handcuffs, cutting her nose, although police insist she slipped and fell.

She denied accusations she was resisting arrest, maintaining that she only turned to go inside to call her son to fix the confusing dispute.

"I tried to sit down and get away from him [the police officer]," she told Utah newspaper the Daily Herald.

"I don't know what he's doing. I said: 'What are you doing?' And he hit me with those handcuffs in my face," she said.

"He's just trying to cover his tracks, as far as I'm concerned."

I blame a bad youth. The woman's youth of course, what is she even thinking not watering the lawn? Didn't the parents teach that bitch anything?
they had parents back then? pretty sure parents are a recent invention

actually I'm surprised they didnt pull a Rodney King on her insolent ass ..the nerve talking back to a public servant paid with public money ..doesnt she know he works for the man? I would have pistol whipped her or at the very least used a baton + phone book ...police state ftmw

The lawns must be cared for!
I'm sure they could figure out whether the cut came from a handcuff or the floor simply by observing it, right?
Whoa, guess this happened in Orem, right where I live.

It's a running joke around here that cops will over react, or call back up for the smallest things. Mostly because, nothing really happens here. You get pulled over here (Utah County) for speeding or what not, expect the officer to call in back up.
I suppose yellowing lawns are illegal. :\
I just had a rand idea for some shinanigans. Go around to peoples sprinklers, and put a shit tone of yellow food coloring in it...so when it turns on, YELLOW WATER!
police go to yard of old woman

old woman:what I can help you young man?
police1:excuse me we have heards rumors about....Oh my good ther eis a dog shit in your lawn!
old woman:what?
police2:need backup here!*hits face of old woman whit tonfa batton*
old woman:wha..?!!
police2:coming billy!*jumps at old woman,put her face to the ground and stand over her back grabing and breaking her arm*
old woman:why??!! pleas ehelp it hurts!!
police2:is resisting do something!
police1:right away!*tazers old woman*
old woman:AAAAAARG....are you crazy! my arm!
police2:is not enough keep going!*spray eyes whit sprayppeper*
police1:you are not geting away*tazers old woman 14 times whit a long one*
old woman:ggg ur fshhsgbrrrrn jgggsppp glll
police1:is she breathing?
police2:hmm...I dont think so,lets take it to the HQ
*trows woman into the back seats*
"I tried to sit down and get away from him"

thats impressive.. runnning and sitting at the same time.
I just had a rand idea for some shinanigans. Go around to peoples sprinklers, and put a shit tone of yellow food coloring in it...so when it turns on, YELLOW WATER!

thats harder to do then you would think, sure you would have yellow water at first but it will clear up quick. I would recommend a feed system, but then you run into the trouble of hiding it. you don't want to puncture the hose with a feed line because it would be to easily spotted, but then again, connecting it via the pipes is even harder. you would have to have knowldege of the grounds piping, access to the water main, somehow hide the feed by the spicket that has said hose(depending on the type of wall will depend on how difficult it will be), is the piping in the basement? crawl space? it can get pretty hard to work out all the details and pull it off without getting caught.
thats harder to do then you would think, sure you would have yellow water at first but it will clear up quick. I would recommend a feed system, but then you run into the trouble of hiding it. you don't want to puncture the hose with a feed line because it would be to easily spotted, but then again, connecting it via the pipes is even harder. you would have to have knowldege of the grounds piping, access to the water main, somehow hide the feed by the spicket that has said hose(depending on the type of wall will depend on how difficult it will be), is the piping in the basement? crawl space? it can get pretty hard to work out all the details and pull it off without getting caught.

Then I'll just knock them out and piss on them. Problem solved.
There was no Soviet Russia joke in my post....=/

Any why the arrest for not watering a lawn?

There was no Soviet Russia joke in my post....=/

Any why the arrest for not watering a lawn?


That sounds the same as in my rinky dink town. If the cops go by here the neighborhood joke whe cops have their sirens going, and speed by is "Dough nuts must be half off at crispy cream."

Once again, justice is served.

When it's not happening to me, I root for the boys in blue. When they are after me, it's '**** the police.'

Good job boys, cuff that old bag up and put her where she belongs.