720p / 1080p Bullshit or bug.


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
So i have a full 1080P tv and once the game loads it goes right to 720P with all these jaggy ass edges. Its ****ing annoying.. Other games are not doing this.
Mine is the same, PS3 this is.

The game by default runs at 720p (this is its native res). If you disable all of them except 1080p it will run at that but I've tried it and it looks no different.

I found (sadly) if you want to get rid of the jaggies, is to use a low res, like 572p (or something like that).

It is pretty bad though in 720p. Needs AA desperately. :(
This could have something to do with the fact that the PS3 version runs at an upscaled 640p (1152x640) resolution rather than native 720p or above. Discussed here
So ya, iv also noticed how dark the game is. Its impossible to drive or find a stair case at night or move around in a bar or garage during the game. Its just annoying.
Options > Display > Brightness, Contrast, Saturation
I'm assuming you've changed the setting on your 360?