75 Indian Soldiers Killed


Oct 21, 2009
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in a Maoist (read Marxist Guerrillas here) rebel ambush.

Piss poor training, piss poor equipment, piss poor soldiers, mediocre generals and idiotic politicians make on hell of a cocktail for failure. Tragic nonetheless, and the amount of casualties is the worst in Indian military history in terms counter insurgency. I am pretty sure the Rebel army just lined up their shots after the convoy got hit by IED's.

The people killed are para military, so maybe the Indian government will get off their backside and deploy the regular Indian Army. Not that will do much good anyway.

Maoist rebels have killed at least 75 Indian soldiers in a series of attacks on security convoys in the central state of Chhattisgarh, officials say.

A large patrol of federal paramilitary troops was ambushed at dawn by hundreds of heavily armed insurgents in a remote part of Dantewada district.

Rescue teams were later ambushed in attacks using landmines and gunfire.

Correspondents say it is the worst attack on security forces by the rebels since their insurgency began.

That's what they get for using Bows and Arrows.
Maoist rebels? You think they might be supported by the Chinese government? Dem Chinese been puttin' on the pressure for a couple of years, especially at Arunachal Pradesh.
where is the love, yall...

christ, the world is being a dick
Maoist rebels? You think they might be supported by the Chinese government? Dem Chinese been puttin' on the pressure for a couple of years, especially at Arunachal Pradesh.

Can't discount it. But dem rebels be getting their weapons mostly from captured Indian paramilitary or police. The Indian government most likely will not send the Indian Army in there, mainly because

1. They don't want this thing to appear out of control.

2. They might be thinking shifting another 70,000 troops from Kashmir might be bad, even though that area has been relatively quiet and the Indian Army is actually getting quite good at killing Islamic militants there in recent months.

But that is itself the problem. The Indian Army posted in Kashmir do have some counter insurgency experience, while these guys are total noobs.
I'm glad the Maoists were able to defend their land and people in this operation.

The people in that corridor of India have been treated like shit for hundreds of years in India. They receive very little representation in Indian democracy and their tribal lands are sold to multi-nationals.

I say power to the people for arming themselves and asserting their own sovereignty.
Maoist rebels? You think they might be supported by the Chinese government? Dem Chinese been puttin' on the pressure for a couple of years, especially at Arunachal Pradesh.
Well, it's not 1970 anymore, so I really doubt it.

EDIT: To clarify, after Deng Xiaoping took over in the late 70's after Mao's death in 1976, Mao's ideas have been treated kind of like an estranged, abusive father who you looked up to as a child, but not so much anymore. He's still a revered figure, but Maoism is pretty much dead in China.
I'm glad the Maoists were able to defend their land and people in this operation.

The people in that corridor of India have been treated like shit for hundreds of years in India. They receive very little representation in Indian democracy and their tribal lands are sold to multi-nationals.

I say power to the people for arming themselves and asserting their own sovereignty.

Glad you have some rational thought. I mean the Maoists only abuse the smae very people they claim to be protecting by letting no development in there. I mean they are only

1. Blowing up schools

2. Blowing up railway tracks.

3. Kidnapping civilians and holding them for ransom

4. Killing intellectuals, doctors or any unarmed civilian who opposes their ideology.

5. Recruits Child soldiers as young as 9.

I mean no biggy, freedom fighters right. I can understand their concerns and I can understand the frustration. But with every rebel organization, they started off with ideals, but have become nothing more than criminals. The Indian governement have admitted their mistakes, they were ready for talks. But nothing happened.

Who do you think is going to suffer the most when the Indian government decides to send the Army in ? And as operations in Kashmir would suggest, Human rights violations will be somewhat common place.

The Tribals will suffer. The Maoists just made their condition worse.

As an Indian general puts it

"The Tribals die for a cause they know nothing of, while intellectuals from the sidelines cheer them on ".
Piss poor training, piss poor equipment, piss poor soldiers, mediocre generals and idiotic politicians make on hell of a cocktail for failure. Tragic nonetheless, and the amount of casualties is the worst in Indian military history in terms counter insurgency. I am pretty sure the Rebel army just lined up their shots after the convoy got hit by IED's.

To be honest, reading the article makes it seem like it was a rather well executed ambush. Hit the convoy with an IED, open fire. Government troops do what they're trained to do - put down suppressing fire, quickly seek cover, regroup and GTFO. Only all the cover is full of IEDs.

An intelligence failure to be sure, but if any military force in the world had gone into that situation with the intel the Indians had I doubt they'd fair much better.

But yes, most of the Indian army isn't worth all that much in COIN warfare.

Well, it's not 1970 anymore, so I really doubt it.

True enough, but China regards India as its big rival for the coming century, especially following the US-India nuclear pact. while support may very well be extremely limited the Chinese have a vested interest in destabalizing India. To be honest I also see them putting just enough support into the Maoists in Nepal to drag the Indian army up there too.

The Tribals die for a cause they know nothing of, while intellectuals from the sidelines cheer them on

Well of course they do - educated people don't actually want to go out to fight and die. It does seem that the less someone has the harder they'll fight to hold onto it, which is why if these people are as behind the rest of India as is claimed they make ideal insurgents. They're already living on nothing, so they might as well make some cash from some starry eyed city boy with big ideas and enough connections to pay them more than they'd make dirt farming.

Afterall, for all his education and bluster you don't see Solaris willing to pick up an AK, show the Indian government how itchy his trigger figner and join his brothers in thier noble struggle - he's far too wrapped up in the internet, uni, girls, getting a car, getting a house, etc. Well, like all of us really. We're in the system and we think theres enough hope that we can advance ourselves within it without turing it upside down and that we have far too much to loose if we try. For all our words about distrust in the government and constrictions of freedom none of us will ever pick up a weapon, run off into the bush and try and do something about. Afterall, theres no internet out there.

See thats the secret to every communist sucess - a combination of cowardly achademics who give a bunch of no-education, dirt poor peasants just enough ideology to get them fighting and once those guys are fighting, they don't stop till they're dead. Its also the reason that communism will never come about in the way Marx intended - his intended target group, the urban working class have enough hope for a brighter future through conventional means that dying for the revolution holds very little appeal for them.
Someone say Maoist?


Frankly I'm surprised Barack Obama shoot his gun fast enough with his little liberal communist fingers to kill 75 people.
They better send in their Gurkhas.
here'S no internet out there.

See thats the secret to every communist sucess - a combination of cowardly achademics who give a bunch of no-education, dirt poor peasants just enough ideology to get them fighting and once those guys are fighting, they don't stop till they're dead. Its also the reason that communism will never come about in the way Marx intended - his intended target group, the urban working class have enough hope for a brighter future through conventional means that dying for the revolution holds very little appeal for them.

@eejit. Why yes, we do have the Gurkha Rifles

Fountain of military knowledge you are marley. To be fair, CRPF are usually used for riot control maybe a bit more than that but have no COIN Warfare experience. Indian Army were pretty stretched in Kashmir during the 90's I think. The BSF were sort of reliable, but they had an unsavory reputation, so there was a ruckus when the centre mulled sending the BSF there as people have comlained them of extra judicial killings before. Since the government is refusing to use air power or the other more competent parts of the Army it will be interesting to watch how they will contain this threat.
I don't know anything about this situation, but man if the Chinese and the Indians have at it... those are the two biggest standing armies... from the two most populated countries... talk about crazy.

Just a thought.
I don't know anything about this situation, but man if the Chinese and the Indians have at it... those are the two biggest standing armies... from the two most populated countries... talk about crazy.

Just a thought.

Mass zerglings vs Terran with mass marine/medivac and several ghosts with nukes.
I don't know anything about this situation, but man if the Chinese and the Indians have at it... those are the two biggest standing armies... from the two most populated countries... talk about crazy.

Just a thought.

I don't have that much faith in the Indian Army against the Chinese. But I know jack about Chinese military
Fountain of military knowledge you are marley.
I'm just a textbook rambo mate - I wouldn't take anything I write too seriously, I've no practical or academic backround in military history or strategy, its only a hobby.

I don't have that much faith in the Indian Army against the Chinese. But I know jack about Chinese military

Its not just the Chinese the Indians would have to worry about I think - the Pakistanis would jump at the chance to grab Kashmir while India is otherwise occupied. The only problem for them is that unlike China, India's nuclear armament is well in range of Pakistan's major population centres.
Its also the reason that communism will never come about in the way Marx intended - his intended target group, the urban working class have enough hope for a brighter future through conventional means that dying for the revolution holds very little appeal for them.

That, and the fact that the urban working class can never truly eliminate the need for a government. The academics (professional revolutionaries) leading the revolting peasants will eventually lead. I think the fact that you can have a "communist revolution" is quite ironic, seeing as the end result is supposed to be a utopia in which the bourgeoisie are completely eliminated and everyone works all happy and communally, which is never going to be possible. Ever.
Send in American gunships to light em up. That will teach them! Make everyone pay!1