8-bit Left 4 Dead


Jul 6, 2003
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[br]Eric Ruth, an indie game developer is bringing Left 4 Dead from the current generation to the classic 8-bit era.[br]

Ruth's version of Left 4 Dead will only include one special infected - the Boomer, although the developer stated that all of the other special infected will be added in later at some point. Ruth is planning to release the game for free on PC next January which will include all the maps and campaigns. Video below:[br]

8-bit Left 4 Dead Gameplay Video 1
Death animations are quite lame... they just look like they're still standing in a silly position. And no other effects like blood or gore when you kill them.
Ehh, TBH it looks kinda generic. Would have been better if he tried to follow the maps and gameplay mechanics of L4D closer.
Nice try. I like these retro nostalgic things. The problem with this game is that it doesn't seem to be funny.
l4kd seemed more faithful than this. It's too slow.
I thought it sounded cool, but after watching the vid, I think it looks pretty lame.
It looks cool, but the gameplay looks super-lame and easy.
jeez guys...it's an 8-bit old school looking game....what'd you expect? Chrono Trigger?
Ascii Portal > > > > > > > this

I mean, great effort and great art, but try harder on the gameplay.
Oldschool games were harder in general ;) it's true it looks easy, but hey, it's just the first level, maybe it gets harder as it goes. I like and support this kinds of things, so... all the best!

The only thing that I think could be enhanced is the pace of zombies. The boomer was awesome, I wonder what tank looks like heheheh
Man,OldSkool to the max man!!

Sorry for rapping talk.