

Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
so here's the deal, i need to upgrade my motherboard and cpu, but i really know nothing about motherboards. i'm thinking of getting a:
P4 Gigabyte GA-8KNXP 800Mhz fsb DDR 400 Raid...........
so basically what i want to know is if this is a good choice...i would like to get a motherboard that i will be able to upgrade the cpus with for a good while.
i also have a few more questions, if i get a motherboard like that one that has an 800Mhz fsb, then does the processor need it as well?(not to take advantage of it mind you, just to run). and also my current Mobo only supports 4x agp......and i'm buying a 9800 pro that supports 8x agp.......will it run with my current mobo?

any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

heres a review on it... the mobo

if it supports 800mhz fsb the processor doesnt have to support 800 for it to run it will just run at say 533mhz or 400 mhz or whatever...

yes the 9800pro will run on 4xagp

the only difference is the 4xagp runs at 1 gighz bandwitdh and the 8xp runs at 2.1gighz bandwitdh but some people seem to have problems with it on 8x so leave it on 4x and it works jsut as good!

what other questions do you have?
