9-11 conspiracy theories: do you believe them?

Do you believe 9-11 conspiracy theories?

  • Not at all, I'm not a retard.

    Votes: 48 64.0%
  • No, but I have a crazy friend who does.

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • Of course! The Illuminati jew lizards are out to kill us all!

    Votes: 19 25.3%

  • Total voters


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I have a roommate who believes in these theories, which I think are funny as hell. I've been thinking about creating a webcomic based on his crazy conspiracy theories. I'm trying to figure out if enough people believe, or know somebody who believes, these crazy theories.

If you have any suggestions, let me know.
I don't know....a lot of whats been happening have seemed pretty retarded, and very coincidental. Hell, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, it won't change anything...

Advisor: President, some kid just found out your evil plans by watching videos of the crashes
I recall something about 3 missiles going somewhere. :|
I recall something about 3 missiles going somewhere. :|

Yeah, there are some VERY viable bits of information. Some things can't be ignored...but I don't know...other things are over the top.

And where's the, "I don't give a rat's ass." option?
I don't believe them, of course.
Interesting thing is how every fraction with stupid people have their own theory, commies say it was neo-conservatives New World Order plan, Christian fanatics believe it was Satan and Nazi freaks say it was Sionistic conspiracy. Just LOL.
I found this crap somewhere:

Hologram Theory

The "Hologram Theory," as it relates to 9/11, proposes that no commercial airliners hit the World Trade Center on Sept 11 2001. Proponents of the theory contend that rather than full sized airliners, the World Trade Center was hit by "Cruise" type Missiles which appeared to the naked eye to be airliners through the use of sophisticated hologram technology. Rosalee Grable is one the the theory's leading proponents. One eyewitness described the 'airplane' he saw: "It just disappeared. It disappeared like a, like a, bad special effect. Disappeared right into the building." Eyewitness Accounts. This theory is controversial even among 9/11 researchers.
I'm sorry, the last option was too ridiculous to not vote for it :P
Holograms? Madness!
No. I have not come across a single 9/11 conspiracy theory that didn't sound retarded, and I can't say I directly know anybody who believes in them.
Nope, all conspiracy theorys are crock and very very childish.

New world order away! *Flies off in a black helicopter*
this is the only "conspiracy" I believe ..however as you can see it's not about 9/11 (although 9/11 was the pretext and the justification to invade) and it's not much of a "conspiracy"

Nope, all conspiracy theorys are crock and very very childish.

New world order away! *Flies off in a black helicopter*

agreed however I wouldnt automatically dismiss the idea of a new world order ..it's not the illuminati but it exists, just not the way most conspiracy sheeples think about when they think new world order

Well i cant really say i believe in it, because it just seems so farfetched and ludicrous, i saw like a 1 hour+ video of it on google video quite a while back. Ill admit, it was an interesting watch, and some good points were brought up, but it no where near enough to convice me.

One conspiracy ive been interested in is when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, like there a much earlier warning of the attack and they could have intercepted the planes before the hit the harbor, a ploy to get the yanks into the war. Ludicrous yes, but interesting.
Well I have questions still to be honest, and alot of the official conspiracey theory does stink.

By the way that poll is about as biased as it gets, there isn't a I'm not sure option, or I think it could be possible we are atleast being lied to, because the latter option would be my choice.

Also there has been recent testimony from a security guard working in the world trade centre number 7 building, which is fascinating to say the least.

"We subsequently went to the stairwell and were going down the stairs, when we reached the sixth floor, the landing that we were standing on gave way, there was an explosion and the landing gave way. I was left there hanging, I had to climb back up and now had to walk back up to the eighth floor. After getting to the eighth floor everything was dark."

Talking about WTC7 lobby:

"It was totally destroyed, it looked like King Kong had been through it and stepped on it and it was so destroyed i didn't know where I was. It was so destroyed that had to take me out through a hole in the wall, a makeshift hole I believe the fire department made to get me out."

Audio preview of the interview

and you know I really don't care what people think of my opinion, the whole thing reeks of military precision, and deception so anyone with any doubt about the bush administrations official conspiracey theory should voice their opinion, and has a right too.
Aye, the poll is very baised towards non-believers

The poll should be public, two people voted yes but didn't say who they were.
Yeah that was in the video i watched, that as fireman were running down the stairs, they kept hearing explosions beneath them explosives and couldn't figure out what they were.

The main three that got me thinking was the damange to the penatagon, they said a third airliner flew into it, but the damage was too light, like the hole was no where near big enough to be that of a huge 747, and they investigated around the area and found no wings of the aircraft, but what looked to engine of it, and they did some investigating into that and stated that the engine was far too small to be that of an airliner. Plus, they said there were actually eye witness reports, that no one actually saw a plane in the area, a glimpses of a small, fast object, like a missile.

And the second, was that it was stated that the twin towers fell because of a few different factors, the main being that the steel of the main structure was gradually weakened under the intense heat of the aircraft fire, burning from the fuel. But they interviewed some experts on that field, and they said there is no way in hell, that the steel used in the twin tower's main structure could melt to a point of collapse, that it would need to much, much hotter than that of a fire generated from aircraft fuel.

And what actually was quite amazing, was the actually showed a slow, downed version of the towers falling, and it shows explosion bursts coming out of the building below the collapsing structure aboce, and it continuously up about half way.

Im not saying i believe the things, its just points that i found quite interesting to say the least.
I remember the explosions as they certainly do raise some questions.

Yeah, that's definitely a Boeing 757 jet airliner.
The traffic cone did it.
That's what they want you to think! The cone is actually controlled by the Illuminati Jews who works for the New World Order!(Yeah, all three at once! :))
We must make a video showing this new and revealing evidence then upload it to youtube.
I just want to know whether or not it was a plane or something else that hit the Pentagon.

Why can't the US release the videos?
Of course! The Illuminati jew lizards are out to kill us all!

Is there anything less extreme.

I have a feeling that it was an inside job, thats it. Why no one has been arrested on manslaughter charges is beyond me
I don't think that they did it, but I do think they they made it happen. Maybe slowly pissing off people in the middle east, just so they'd do something like this, and then the U.S. could go over and take their oil!!! I believe it's always about the oil!! Then they had the last laugh!

(by "they" I mean the Jew Lizards)
Of course! The Illuminati jew lizards are out to kill us all!!!


Of course not