9 minutes of gameplay

I'm not going to lie, I love the feeling of hulking power playing as a big daddy presents.

The story is still going to be ass from the looks of it.

Anyone notice that mutated Splicer with like.. dinosaur legs? :|
I was really hoping to have some mutated splicers similar to the concept art of the original, but this one really put me off-

For me they cant really stuff this one up, HOWEVER its going to be tough to beat the original's storyline.

BUt if they just take the first game, make you a big daddy, add the big sister, new weapons and enemies, and just MORE from the first, then you cant go wrong I guess.

Getting it either way.
I wonder how many times in game you will have to do this with the little sisters, I just hope the scenario's vary when there gathering adam and its not just a constant barrage of splicers you have to deal with.
It's weird how freely they're telling us important info of the game.

1: we know what/who we're playing as, and semi-why.
2: we know who the main antagonist is, her determination, how she acts, AND what she can do.
3: we know how we're going to interact with Rapture, the splicers, and Little Sisters.
4: the teaser site it useless now.
I'm willing to bet the game will be good but the originality of the game will be lost. It probably just won't feel the same imo
I'll still buy it (if they removed the securom bullshit).
they had the first game on Steam for $5. amazing price for such a kickass game
It looks like they've completely lost the philosophy aspects of the original. They're keeping all of the sci-fi elements but not what they were supposed to represent. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Looks like a BUY so far.

Finaly they made the fire like a flammethrower like it should have been.
That looks awesome. It's sad that I can't afford to fix up my PC to enjoy this game..