9500 Pro In Counter Strike: Source



I'm yet to buy the game because of one problem...

I'm not sure how my card is going to handle in CS:S

Hopefully one of you can tell me how this card fares in Counter Strike: Source and whether i should go out and buy like a 9600xt or save my money and just go with the gold

Thanks for the help everyone
the 9500pro is just fine for CS:S my friend was using his and getting a steady 45-60fps on 1280x1024 with all settings on high

his proc is a 2500+ and he has a gig of noname ram
not a spectacular system
ZeroCoolX said:
I'm yet to buy the game because of one problem...

I'm not sure how my card is going to handle in CS:S

Hopefully one of you can tell me how this card fares in Counter Strike: Source and whether i should go out and buy like a 9600xt or save my money and just go with the gold

Thanks for the help everyone

If I can handle it with a 9100 Pro then you sure can :)
My 9500pro works like a dream. I was very suprised how well it handles Source, I was expecting a lot worse. I'm playing with 1024x768 and medium to high settings (I could probably use high only) and I get like 100fps when I'm running around alone and a minimum of 40 in heavy combat. Usually I average at about 60-70 fps. 2.2ghz cpu and 512mb ram here btw.
Wow all this sounds awesome...

I've got:

ATI Radeon 9500 Pro
768 MB Ram
2.8 Ghz Processor

Sounds like Counter Strike: Source is going to be loads of fun
OMG! I have ati radeon 9550 1.8 ghz cpu and 512mb ram and its running like hell! :angry: My average is only 15 - 20 fps :angry: Is it because of my cpu?