9600xt OR 9800Pro ?



What Would Be Better Between

I'd like to see the specifications like core speed, ramdac, memory speed everything, if somebody can help me... i will buy one of theses cards but still dont know which one to buy (quality/price).

Thx All
9800 Definetly but i got a 9600 and its very nice.
ok cool but could you give me all the infos about these cards ?? plz i really need them! ;)
A VERY basic comparison because I don't want to look up all the minute details...
4 pixel rendering pipelines
128MB 128bit DDR Ram

8 pixel rendering pipelines
128MB 256bit DDR Ram

The 9800Pro can easily double the performance of the 9600XT because it has more rendering pipelines, faster ram, and higher clockspeeds. Of the two I would most definatly go for the 9800, the 9600 just isn't worth it anymore.
Forget the modding ithe 9800xt isn't much faster plus you have to know what you're doing and you're always taking a risk when you overclock or mod. Get the 9800 pro it's faster than a 9600xt, but I also suggest you take a look at the Nvidea 6600GT AGP. It's a very fast card, it's still $200 like the 9800 pro but performs perfectly in even the newest games and keeps up with the 6800 cards, it's faster than the 9800 pro.
NO, mod the 9800Pro to a 9800XT. The Pro IS the XT just underclocked and has a suckier heatsink. Just get a MUCH better heatsink and fan and no worries man. I'd mod it and you don't have to know much. I'll post a link on how to mod the Pro to XT. The only thing lost is a warranty, but it'll be worth saving $100 by modding it to XT. I'm COMPANY COMPUTER GUY so I know what I'm sayin.
200$ - 6600GT or 9800pro (6600gt is faster in normal resolutions while the 9800pro holds up a little better with AA/AF enabled.)
150$ - 9600XT (Only a little faster than the 9600Pro. If you were looking for something with a little bigger boost in this price range I would recommend saving a bit more for the 200$ range.)
100$ - 9600Pro

Do not get the cheap 9800Pro units, as they are reduced to 128Bit (not talking memory amount). Example, here is the good 9800Pro with a 256Bit memory bus and here is a poor 9800Pro with a 128Bit memory bus which will be slower.

Here is one set of benchmarks. Should give you an idea.
arent the 9600XT actually faster than the 9800Pro core speeds, its only the more pipelines and memory bandwidth that make the 9800 pro better
yeah, 9600 clockspeeds are much higher, which goes to show that numbers aren't everything... ;)
Alan Freeman said:
Just get a x800pro 256 or higher it will be needed.

kinda easy for you to say, im sure hes trying to stay in the $200 or less range
I have a 9800 pro flashed to xt :) Runs HL2 perfect on highest settings 16x/6x with steady 60fps and 50fps in firefights :)

AMD Athlon 3200xp
1gb ddr400 mb ram
I have a 9600xt and i run everything high with AAx4 and i get 80 fps constant...
there is no point saying 'i get xx fps with xx settings' if you don't say the resolution.

but, the 9800 pro is way better than the 9600 xt.