9600xt vs 9800



Ok, I know there has been a number of these threads but I have a specific question.

I am looking to get a new 3D card, mostly for HL2 but some CoD. I am deciding between these cards:

Sapphire Radeon 9600XT
Chipset/Core Speed: ATI RADEON 9600XT/500MHz
Memory/Effective Speed: 128MB DDR/650MHz
BUS: AGP 4x/8x
Ports: VGA Out(15 Pin D-Sub)+TV-Out(S-Video Out)+DVI Connector
Support 3D API: DirectX®9, OpenGL®2.0
Cable/Accessories: 1 Cable, PowerDVD, Driver CD
Max Resolution@32bit Color: 2048X1536@85Hz

Sapphire Radeon 9800
Chipset: ATI RADEON 9800
Memory: 128MB DDR
Ports: VGA Out (15 Pin D-Sub) + TV-Out (S-Video) + DVI
Support 3D API: DirectX 9.0, OpenGL 2.0
Max Resolution@32bit Color: 2048X1536
OEM Package (See pics for details)

The thing is, Im not sure if the second one is really a 9800. It says 128 bit so that leads me to believe it is an SE model. Which would also mean it has 4 pixel pipelines.

Does anyone know if this is in fact a 9800?

If it is a 9800 with 8 pixel pipelines it is a better deal that the 9600XT(which has 4) right? Im also a little sketched because it doesnt tell any of the clock speeds. If it is in fact a 9800 should I assume that it is 325/580 mhz?

Basically I need someone to who knows about this stuff to let me know it this model is a 9800 or a 9800 SE and depending on which one it is whether I should buy it over the 9600XT (which Im leaning towards).

Thanks for any help.
Well Im looking at regular 9800's and I though that this was a 9800, but the 128 bit leads me to believe its an SE. Im looking for someone who can confirm one way or another.
I don't believe ther are regular 9800's. I hear that the 128bit's are a piece of shit though.
There used to be regular 9800's, they were 256-bit and just clocked slower than the pro's, but they've been gone fora while now, all that's left is the dumb 128-bit crap ones. You're better off with a real 9800 pro, or the 9600xt if you don't want to spend the money for the 9800 pro.
Sapphire Radeon "9800 Atlantis" Video Card, 128MB DDR 128bit, DVI/TV-Out, 8X AGP, Model 100584 1024-1C47, OEM

If you don't understand, think of it like this, the 128bit cards are crippled, they can't walk they go everywhere in a wheelchair. 256bit cards are.. wait, this is a terrible analogy!
OK, but even though the 9800 is 128bit does the fact that it has 8 pipelines(if in fact it does) make it better than the 9600XT?
well.. I have an ATI 9600 XT 256MB and it is a perfect card.. I can run every game on it high graphics..
my friend has an ATI Radeon 9800 128MB and I don't really think its runs any smoother then mine... i'm not even sure if it runs as smooth as mine..so if you need to choose.. i'd go for the 9600XT
9800 pro 128 (256-bit) is the better gfx card.

Stay clear of the 128-bit version.
Ok, thanks for the clarification. A few more questions...

1) What about the difference between a 256mb 9600XT and a 128mb 9600XT. Is there a noticable one performance wise?

2) This card has a 650mhz memory clock speed and this card has a 600mhz memory clock speed. Is the 50 less mhz that big of a difference?

Thanks again guys.
Well for a buck more, yeah go with the one that's 650mhz. Doesn't seem right to me, could be a typo and it is 600mhz, but for a buck more why not?
Yeah you can get video cards for cheap on Ebay right now.

Regarding a 256mb 9600XT vs a 128mb model: I doubt you'd see much performance increase rght now. Maybe in a few years when 256mb of textures needs to be loaded in the graphics card, but by then you will probably upgrade again anyway.
looking at any 9800 pro's, make sure they are 256-bit as well. there are 128-bit 9800 pro's called th 'EZ' model i think. They are not what you want. 9800 pro's run about $235 as far as I've seen. They don't seem worth it to me.

check out nvidia 6600gt's if you're looking at that price range. The run hl2 and dx9 games very well from all the reviews I've read.

I also read a review that said the 9700 pro had good performance for the cost. I don't know how much they are but you could check it out.
well i bought my msi rx9800 for like $185 and well now i think its up to $200 and this card is really really nice
bryanf445 said:
well i bought my msi rx9800 for like $185 and well now i think its up to $200 and this card is really really nice

Yea newegg really pissed me off with that, right when I was about to order it, the price got jacked up from $185 to $200 and had a shipping fee, and they haven't had 'em in stock for a few weeks now.. Glad I got my XTASY 9800 Pro :smoking:
The 9800 standard card is actually clocked slower than teh 9600xt so i would go for the 9600xt card. I would personally go for a 9800pro 128mb card as they are really good performers and they don't cost loads too. Here are the 2 cards so you can compare the speeds etc.

Radeon 9800 (128MB, 256bit, 325/580, 8PP, 4VP, DX9.0)
Radeon 9600 XT (128/256MB, 128bit, 500/600, 4PP, 2VP, DX9.0)

and here is the 9800 pro which i have and would personally get:

Radeon 9800 Pro (128MB, 256bit, 380/680, 8PP, 4VP, DX9.0).

Hope this helps.